Forum Post: What is NESARA and What Will It Do For the 99%?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 4:59 a.m. EST by unity22
from Richmond, BC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Someone here asked what NESARA is.
NESARA or the National Economic Stabilization and Reformation Act is what is also known as an "abundance program" or "wisdom economy," and is waiting in the wings to be implemented as soon as the corrupt financial economy of the elite falls. It will see that poverty is banished from Earth and that wealth is shared equally. It will relieve people of debt and see constitutional rights restored and corrupt political regimes fall. We are perhaps weeks, perhaps months away from NESARA being declared. The fall of the elitist economies is being engineered. As soon as they fall, NESARA will be implemented.
You can read all about NESARA at The 2012 Scenario at The work that the Arab Spring and Occupy Together movements are doing is essential to the success of NESARA because it promises to bring down the elitist economic structure and their corrupt political arrangements with them. What I'd like you to know is that, on the other side, of the collapse of the elite lies financial arrangements that are truly equitable and prosperous - so full speed ahead.
Steve Beckow
i bookmarked your website after finding the nesara least you and i are on the same galactic page steve watching those gears of the calender spin..most people think this is just a social thing not galactically influenced occurence...preety interesting times huh? i knew it on...2 days before jan 25th i could feel the planet wave...this is for you man..its called HOPE Humans On Planet Earth...... nice work steve