Forum Post: What is NAWAPA? And how would it create millions of jobs?
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 11, 2011, 10:26 p.m. EST by zorno
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NAWAPA, the North American Water and Power Alliance, is one of those mega projects intended to create millions of well paying jobs while stimulating the economy tremendously. It was thought up by the Army Corp of Engineers decades ago, but has lingered indefinitely on the back burner.
Half of the fresh water which falls as rain in the US comes down in Alaska and mostly runs off into the ocean. NAWAPA would bring that water down through Canada to the central American desert, where it would first create agriculture, then cities. It would be a more comprehensive approach to development than just building a bunch of houses.
NAWAPA would also require the development of advanced transportation and energy systems. It would be linked to the train route that would connect the Americas to Asia by a bridge over or tunnel under the Bering Strait.
Many of today's unemployed youths would be the ideal recruits for this project, in which they would learn skills that would last them a lifetime while working for economic development.
Great projects, like this are what should follow the reinstatement of Glass Steagall and bankruptcy reorganization of the financial system.
Along the same train of thought
Solar roadways:
Here's a picture
that I found here
Northern Flooding, Southwestern Drought... I've Always Wondered Why We Haven't Done This...
This is one of many things that I believe we would need to get on our feet as a nation; I'd take this pipeline over the tar sands pipeline any day.
Glad you like it. From what I have heard, a space program would be important as well. Apparently we made something like $10 for every $1 we invested in space under Kennedy. This was in terms of economic development, new products, new technologies.
Love Lyndon Larouche!
He has some incredible ideas!
I'll just leave this here:
That article starts out by saying Larouche is an anti-semite, but some of the highest level people in his organization are Jewish, for example Jeffrey Steinberg. Why not read his website and see if you can find one speck of anti-semitism:
I don't need that source to know what I know.
The UK and continued British/Israeli Empire in his thinking is a proxy for "international Jews."
There's a whole book on the subject:
Crypto-fascism, little different than Glenn Beck and Alex Jones. They all use projection/transference and it's their enemies that are the real fascists... I know we won't agree, but I've put it out there.
If there are Jews that are part of the British/Israeli Empire, Larouche is critical of them not because they are Jews but because they are imperialists.
Larouche is a big fan of Jews who have made worth while accomplishments, such as Moses Mendelssohn.
Glad to hear that. So far when I've mentioned Larouche, I've only gotten negative responses.
Probably because his ideas would mean such a dramatic change from what people are used to. Despite the total and utter demise of the G5 countries, people still would like to stay with something that feels familiar like the dem/rep paradigm. People are failing to see that we will inevitably have to move to a radically different way of living with some very brave changes if we want to see any difference.
Perhaps so, but what he advocates is traditional Americanism, sad to think we have gotten so far from that.
yes, unrecognizable at this point.