Forum Post: What is most disturbing...
Posted 11 years ago on July 12, 2013, 7:32 a.m. EST by Theeighthpieceuv8
from Seven Sisters, Wales
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
You want to know what is most disturbing about this forum? What's most disturbing is not what's posted but what is not posted. There is nothing here of Obama's unconstitutional appointments, there is nothing here of Big Labor's unconstitutional purchase of the NLRB; there is nothing here of current attempts to go nuclear. There is nothing here of the future of Constitutionality which no doubt will be necessary to grant voice to minority opinion in the future.
There is nothing here of the Court's decision to deny standing to a voting majority in the state of CA. And nothing here of the impracticality of discarding DOMA.
There is nothing here of Smithfield pork or of ethanol or of continued corn subsidies...
When I grow up, I want to be just like y'all - not an individual - but an extension of the party; really. It's not about solidarity, it's about symbiosis. Really.
This is always the reply when this forum is called out for what it is. This forum is a farce, a sham, a con. This forum is run by people inside the very institutions Occupy is opposed to. Investors, media employees, and the owner works for the largest spy agency in the world, Google. So pardon me if I tell you and your reply to Fuck Off!
Steady on there and don't be forgetting The 99% ;-)
"Poverty as a Weapon of Mass Destruction and the Economic Policies That Loaded the Chamber'', by Dylan Charles : ;
"The Mean Team Piles on Jobless Americans'', by Jim Hightower : ;
"How Socialists Built America", by John Nichols : ;
"Nine Myths about Socialism in the US", by Bill Quigley : ;
"Trends to Barbarism and Prospects for Socialism", by James Petras : .
Don't hold back now - tell us how you really feel and maybe more importantly 'why ?' and we may all learn something.
fiat lux ...
People have been telling you for the last two years. The better question; what difference has is made?
WTF would you rather we do ? Play video games ; eat more crap food ; buy some more useless crap ; entertain ourselves to death & STFU ?! If you are depressed or defeated - whyTF are you sharing it with us ?!! Have you anything either positive or informative to share ?!!!
Re. ''difference'' - I ain't got the memory of a goldfish & no one was talking about The 99%-1% b4 OWS !!
multum in parvo et temet nosce ...
Change doesn't come from sugar coated comments or comfortable margins or even endless chatter. It won't come from censoring or controlling information. It won't come from gathering people you like or even get along with. Change is not the result of niceties and tolerance. No amount of paper pushing nor writing letters to your congressman will change a damn thing. DC did what they did because they are falling apart. DC is the crackhead capital of the united states and that comes with everything you might think. Robbery, rape, homelessness, high unemployment, rehab programs that are maxed out and a population that cannot live without food stamps. Change comes from pain and discomfort. Let it spill onto this forum if you have one ounce of integrity between you. That's what I'd have you do. But it's not my call, it's yours.
oh... ok a little truth from you.... so... what is your answer ??? ... attack those that stand with you with common goals because you are too lazy to get off your lazy ass and help document and address the real problems ???
what do you want ?.... big daddy to come down from the heavens and fix it all with a magic wand ? pussy
What I expect is for representative of the institutions being protested to stop pretending to be protestors in order to derail protesters. Get back to me when you grow a pair, lackey.
I agree with much of that but I am still taking exception to your hectoring tone but your your righteous, understandable, sobering, angry yet negative approach, still has value.
Now consider that some good has come / is coming from OWS (eg. ) - seeds are being planted and a future cadre being inspired and informed ! It takes all sorts and it ain't quick !! This struggle is generational but we all want results yesterday - and that is fair enough !!! +
"The Economy Unites Us : What’s wrong with the economy and how we can fix it", by Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese : &
"How Unchecked Capitalism Has Brought the World to the Brink of Apocalypse -- and What We Must Do Now'', by Robert Jensen : .
It IS your call .. and mine .. and millions of others', right across the shared Earth - WE ARE THE 99% !!!
respice, adspice, prospice ...
Hi. I just came across this post. Are you asking what difference this forum has made? If so, in what way? Has it transformed the government in a couple of years? Clearly not. However, it has contributed to my own awareness of how very damaged our system is, and it has pointed the way to potential solutions. It has had many spin-off, focused groups working on solutions to specific problems. If you think all of that is to no avail because nothing has changed dramatically in two years, I submit that you are a bit impatient.
Good comment. The poster is not a sincere supporter of OWS, as you can tell. And this site has accomplished good things. I've learned more about what's really going on in the world in (almost) two years than I had the previous ten years combined.
I do my best to respond to all comments (when I do) as best I can under the assumption they are sincere comments. That can do no harm. :)
You are a good-hearted and wise person. It shows in your short time here.
hehehe you are an IDIOT
Yes he is. He complains we're not posting about this stuff, yet instead of POSTING about it, he bitches. Now, normally I'm against name-calling, but in this case it's entirely justified.
But consider the username. What's that come to? 12 and a half cents? Sounds like about all his opinion is worth.
Have you seen anyone post these items?
You're full of shit. Obama's appointments, the issue of nuclear power, the gutting of the Constitution, ethanol and subsidies have ALL been discussed here at one time or another, if not posted, most certainly in threads. Apparently you don't read many of them.
I agree with Brad B. Instead of bitching about it, POST SOMETHING!!
Not nuclear power.. the nuclear option. And so, I rest my case.
There's nothing stopping you from posting about those subjects and starting the dialog. Why not do that instead?
And you never said "the nuclear option." Read your own post:
" . . . nothing here of current attempts to go nuclear."
Well wtf did you think I was talking about? It's Friday, July... 12th (?) Do you have any idea what's going on in the news?
Start posting about the shit and quit dicking around. I'm done.
i am aware of all these things i just assume if you are in here you should already know this shit. i am just here to try to connect with any revolutionary that is ready to actually take action and confront these scum bags.
Why would you expect any of the things you listed to be addressed here? this forum is supported by the obama adminstration.
TP's-Y'all need to GTF over that Brain Freeze thing you got goin' on.Wake up.We are under Total Tyranny.America's Rich Families,the Corporations and most of the componants of our local,state and federal-courts,elected officials,law enforcement,&c.,have combined forces in order to BREAK THE SPIRIT of the American People.As soon as they accomplish this goal,they will be able to have their way worldwide.The Obama Administration is a part of this effort to BREAK THE SPIRIT of the American People.The Obama Administration is part of a Globalist Corporatist Cabal that aims to seize control of the entire planet thru Total Tyranny of a kind hitherto unseen on Earth.At this point,even very young children are aware of what is in process.So it is obvious to all that you are a tool of the Fascist Cabal of Tyranny.There is no nice way to say this.Fuck off.
Waiting to see how this Senate AG committee rules on Smithfield; wanna bet they sell our pigs to China? While we continue to subsidize production?
Most Americans have no knowledge of what sort of an adversary they face in the Chinese Elites..the word "ruthless" give only a faint suggestion of their their attitude.In order to give a better idea of the true nature of the Chinese concept of competition,many words must be used-ruthless,callous,cold,brutal,relentless-words like those.Chinese Globalist Fascists are so cruel to Chinese people,what they have planned for everyone else hardly even bears thinking about.And American Oligarchs,Corporatists and Political Tools would gladly-happily-joyously hand Americans over to them to be enslaved.Traitors of that ilk deserve death followed by eternal oblivion.
Well, in terms of acquiring world resources, "pigs" are just the beginning.
LOL-LOL-LOL-When they really get going,they will require every single bit of resources that are left.And by the rules of Capitalism,they have won the right to them because they have the most money.We are sold out by traitors.
We are being sold out on every front and what's disturbing is that most goes without comment; we should have been up in arms over Prop 8 because they ruled, on a minor debatable technicality, that a voting majority of 8 million plus people has no standing before a Federal Court. You know, so I think there is a narrow focus here that primarily supports the party rhetoric. We lost under Bush; we're losing a lot more under Obama, and nobody notices.
thanks, astute observation. i needed the laugh.