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Forum Post: what is done..is done.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 4:29 a.m. EST by trose23 (3)
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I love what wall st. protesters have done..but I am telling you this is going to get violent..and im not saying the protesters will be to blame..

this economic crisis ..is happening..it's not going to stop..what is done is done..there is NOTHING you or anyone can do about it...we need to educate each other..live side by side with one another..bc very soon our kingdom will fall with it's people. the fact is everything is NOT more expensive now..it's the value of the dollar that is falling..the security of the American dream the American land the American dollar is fading and fading FAST! WE NEED TO PREPARE OUR SELVES!! we need to come together not just for protesting but for one another..bc things are going to get REALLY bad..food shortage..oil/gas shortage. Millions out of work with mouths to feed. Businesses will halt all over the country in mass amounts..we need to stop the anger toward what is going on right now..and prepare. We need to number one. get rid of the fed. reserve banking system! go to the source. The start of all the greed..and than slowly began fixing things..we may not have but a few months to prepare for something none has ever seen b4..wake up people..and prepare. Educate your brothers and sisters..everyone everywhere..this is way bigger than wall street! We not only need to tell people how and why we got in this crisis but how and what people can do to come together to better prepare for the epic fall of America and most of the world..the people need to know how to organize small to large groups of people not for protesting but for support after the collapse..this is going to happen..if you think that the 1930’s depression/recession was bad..people are going to be blown away about what is to come..that is why we need to utilize the organization of OWS TO NOT ONLY PROTEST and to get other people to protest and fight for their rights and way of life..but also to show that bringing people together for a positive thing is pros, Even On a massive scale. We need to learn how to work together live together side by side without judgment in order to survive what is to come. Our kingdom has failed to protect us, with our best intrests at hand..they will not give 2 shits about you when the collapse happens. We need to come together now. Protect ourselves..and each other!



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