Forum Post: What is a goal of Occupy Wall Street
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 6:01 p.m. EST by masteri
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Hi everyone. I have a simple question what is a point of Occupy Wall Street? What are your goals? To destroy capitalism? To have government provide everything? I really don't know.
Our threat comes from the Federal Reserve & our Federal Government's unchecked abuse of our Constitution!!! It's NOT free markets or Capitalism itself. Americas Framers established a well thought our system of Government to protect & bring prosperity to the people of this country. We MUST NOT seek to over turn this system, but instead educate ourselves on the intentions of our countries Founders, work with in this system & PROTECT this system.
We have to unite against our true adversaries. Those who seek to fool us into relinquishing our liberties & those who promote the despotic applications of "Democracy" in opposition to America's fundamental & unbiased "Constitutional Republic" system of Government. Democracy projects human error. Our Constitutional Republic was formed to restrict human error.
Resist any attempt by political parties or political ideologies to co-opt this movement. We MUST respect & acknowledge our rule of law (The U.S. Constitution) in whatever decisions, grievances or demands we make.
The Tea Party was hijacked by the fascists currently in charge of the Republican party. DO NOT let the Democrats or Communist sympathizers take over this movement or this WILL end in civil war, instead of peaceful resolve!!!!!!
"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." John Adams
Here is a link to further explain the difference between Democracy and Republic, and why America was constructed as a Republic.
The American Form of Government -
Although I'm all in favor of taking down today's ineffective and inefficient Top 10% Management Group of Business & Government, there's only one way to do it – by fighting bankers as bankers ourselves. Consequently, I have posted the Strategic Legal Policies, Organizational Operating Structures, and Tactical Investment Procedures necessary to do this at:
if you want to support a Presidential Candidate Committee at in support of the above bank-focused platform.
No, not to destroy capitalsm. No, not to have the government provide everything. Only to restore equality in the system, fair rules for everyone. But that will mean drastically higher taxes on the ruling class, and the drastic curtailing of defense spending.
What is it that we are fighting for? The end of Capitalism? American communism? What is with all of the isms?
Let me tell you what I am fighting for. I am fighting for a global economy that is based on all of the natural resources of the planet. I am fighting for a true democracy that is detached from profit-seeking institutions. I am fighting for the principals that America was truly founded upon; not the principals that Michelle Bachman, John Boehner, or Barack Obama understand. I lump all current politicians into one category: evil. Lacking morals. Lacking conscience.
I understand our problems to be so immense that if a true progressive took office he would not muffle them, nor elongate their existence. I do not believe that Barack Obama is fighting for the populous.
I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.
Viva la Resistance!
Project Earth: A Resource Based Economy Explained
Ending federal reserve won't do much except having more bunk runs. Also without federal reserve to stop run on the banks you would't probably have Morgan Stanley or Goldman Sachs around. I now that this would make many people happy but i guarantee you that we would probably have unemployment around 20% or more without fed.
I agree i some way.
And who would you set as new government? Republicans? Some third choice maybe?
I watched you video bellow and i agree in some ways. I also want to limit oil use and fossil fuel use and use more of renewable energy such as wind, sun, water etc. I think that this needs to be mixed with capitalism to work.
Don't mean to be a dick, but you don't know enough to comment on the matter.
I would rather
OK show me the designs for this "invention-based economy," cause a resource based economy has already been developed.
We want to take money from Peter who earned it and give it to Paul, who is a dirtbag. You see, Peter is evil for earning the money but Paul is not guilty for accepting the unearned. If you agree with that, jump on board.
Your dirtbag-dar is wack.
You've heard of T-Baggers. We are the Dirt-Baggers.
Are you being ironic?
No I'm being truthful.
what happened on wall street was not people earning money it was people working the system with out proper regulation. And bringing down the entire global economy, The two should not be confused, that is what needs to be changed.
I agree. But a problem is that banks and financial institutions are light years ahead of regulators. They simply hire better people. Would you chose 70K+Bonus job or some dull, boring regulatory job for 40k? Sad thing is that world is run by rich people. When i say rich people run the world i don't mean that Rothschilds say to Obama what to do rather that they have good lobbyist and good connections within the government so they can change the rules. Like leverage rules for banks.
Absolultely, I don't know how to keep it from happening again but with all these people involved maybe someone will step up with a way to fix it. The more people involved and the longer it last the more hope I have for a possitive outcome. This is not the goal of OWS, just a hope that I have along with some others supporting it.
Yeah, i might support this movement if it changed its name to Change Wall Street or Fix Wall Street. Occupy Wall Street sounds war like. And plus i don't know why Americans what to destroy system that has made them one of the wealthiest and greatest country in the world. I am for People in America have so much better standard of living the rest of the world, they really shouldn't be complaining. I am not saying that people should roll with everything that government or banks do i am just saying they shouldn't be so depressed.
Most of us have a great standard of living. Some are not as fortunate, with the right stuff and hard work someone can go far in this country. fifty years ago a baker could own a home and raise a family. Not so any more unless you own the bakery. As I said on other threads I feel their pain.
The thing is, what the OWS wants (free college for everyone, free healthcare, free housing, free food, free sex etc.) costs money. More money than you could possibly take from the rich. I don't know the exact figures, but I heard on NPR that if you taxed people who made 1 million + per year at one hundred percent, that would run the gov we currently have for 18 days. Days people, not years. So who do you think they are going to go after when they need more money? There just aren't enough rich people to fund this. They want your money, Mr. Pumber. They want your money, Mr. Electrician.
Being quite a bit older than the bulk of this group I look at it from a different vantage point. After watching my children struggle through this poor economy laden with student loans and poor pay I can feel their pain. I think they are disjointed in their goals but something good may come of it.
They are saddled with huge college debt because the college ran the bill up. I figure the average middle class family can probably scrape together $5 grand a year to send a kid to college. So the colleges said, OK well we can charge $5 grand a year, but the kids can take out an extra $18500 a year for student loans. We should be charging $23500 a year for college, not $5K.
You see, when government intervenes, in this case by providing access to a large sum of money, unintended shit happens. Now your naughty kids are saddled with debt instead of going out out there starting their own businesses, having copious amount of crazy hot monkey love with supermodels and making their own youtube donkey porn.
This country has been pushed into being a debtor nation for a long time. With the final results realized in 08 and 09. We will see if anything was taken from the real estate failure, and overall debt of this country or if changes can be made. It will take a lot to change things.
Agreed. Peace bro.