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Forum Post: What is a corporation? / corporate personhood

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 1, 2011, 12:10 a.m. EST by classicliberal (312)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

A group of people, representive of one body.

OWS is a corporation, just like unions are, so if corporations do not have free speech rights, do these groups have them? Absolutely.



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[-] 2 points by SSJHilscher (75) from Madison, WI 13 years ago

Oh good. Who is our CEO? We should really fire him he's doing a bad job. Where's the board of directors? I want to call our CEO's leadership up at the next board meeting.

By the way, what is my sharestake in this company? My accountant lost the records. We received a lot of disappointment in the dividend for the fall quarter, though.

[-] 1 points by amanoftheland (452) from Boston, MA 13 years ago

From New Hampshire state law, 21:6 Resident; Inhabitant. – A resident or inhabitant or both of this state and of any city, town or other political subdivision of this state shall be a person who is domiciled or has a place of abode or both in this state and in any city, town or other political subdivision of this state, and who has, through all of his actions, demonstrated a current intent to designate that place of abode as his principal place of physical presence for the indefinite future to the exclusion of all others. 21:9 Person. – The word "person'' may extend and be applied to bodies corporate and politic as well as to individuals. Its Clear there is some funny business going on here because they had to list it twice in the laws... They can not be equals or they would be under the same law section


[-] 0 points by USCitizenVoter (720) 13 years ago

classicliberal, you said on my post when I asked you what your point was "No... Why would you think that? Look, it doesn't matter anyway. The Rupublipoops have taken over and we will have mandatory bible ownership within the next election cycle. Bigger fish to fry my man." From me for you--Life goes by way to fast slow down smell the flowers instead of just looking at them. Peace be with you my friend.

[-] 1 points by classicliberal (312) 13 years ago
