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Forum Post: What if we were all killed, by Christmas or the New Year?

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 14, 2011, 10:15 p.m. EST by zorno (386)
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That's what some people are starting to say, and I can see they are starting to think it really could happen. It's just people who many consider to be on the fringe now - Alex Jones, Webster Tarpley, Lyndon Larouche. But you can see when they talk about it that they are really afraid, they are thinking that they might be killed soon.

It would be the result of a nuclear exchange that the US would have with Russia and China. Such a war would be stirred up by the, possibly nuclear, bombing of Iran, which would spread into a regional war inevitably involving Russia and China. They would retaliate by pushing the button on the US, guaranteeing our mutual destruction.

Why would anybody do such a thing? Isn't that unimaginable? But what is being said is that the western financial oligarchy, having devoured itself from the inside out, looks on at the economically growing Asian nations with bitterness and resentment, and has decided to blow the whole game up rather than fall behind.

They plan to hide out in their bunkers, until its all over, and then come out and claim the earth for themselves. Real, actual evil geniuses, just like the ones you see on TV.

Most people here tell me it won't happen. I hope they are right.



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[-] 2 points by Vooter (441) 13 years ago

I'd be cool with it. I've lived long enough.

[-] 1 points by OldSchoolLiberal (8) from Cape Elizabeth, ME 13 years ago

It is more likely that any action will target the unruly 99% while preserving as much of the pristine 1% as possible.

[-] 1 points by PandoraK (1678) 13 years ago

Well, let's see if we all died tomorrow...'we' wouldn't be worried about it any longer. Those who 'hide out in their bunkers' would still face a nuclear winter so they wouldn't be the lucky ones and the ones who survive that would actually have to learn how to produce tangible items, food, clothing, ways to hunt (if there's any animals left). Life would not be pleasant.

Anything is possible, but probable is another story.

[-] 1 points by GypsyKing (8708) 13 years ago

Sounds like somebody's been watching Dr. Strangelove Way too many times!

[-] 0 points by MJMorrow (419) 13 years ago

Russia and China need only allow Corporate America, Wall Street and the ultra rich make their free will choices, to put the World in the hands of China and Russia. A nuclear war? Meh, China and Russia already figured out that this country couldn't stop passenger planes, from hitting two sky scrappers and the Pentagon. Don't you think a Russian hyper sonic missile could get through Uncle Sam? The USA can't shock and awe squat, in Russia or China; now that it is so obvious how pathetic US air defenses would be against Russian and Chinese conventional missile technology.

Russia and China have no need to exchange nukes or any weapons, with the USA. The future of the World belongs to Russia, China, India and Brazil. The US will slip away and eventually won't be able to float a bar of Ivory soap, in any Ocean, all thanks to your corrupt Government and Neo Liberal business/ banking buddies. War with China and Russia is not our problem, rather, the corruption, criminality and otherwise Globalist nonsense, in the US, is the big problem. Then again, when the USA can't afford her Air Force and Navy, you can expect to see China and Russia take more of an active role, in US politics and interests. Boeing and other super patriotic US arms makers will be helping China and Russia build stealth UAVs and Martian War Horde tripods or whatever...[giggle]

Offtopic: I will get to see more of my Bolshoi Ballerinas. I adore Natalia Osipova. I am so glad that Russia and China are the future, as my ancestors came from Russia and lived in China. This country is so mean to us, begrudging our middle class careers, when there are clearly enough resources, to hire us and let us have our futures, we worked so hard for. The USA has a trillion dollars to fight a war in the Middle East, but cannot manage to help states hire teachers. Corporate America can hire spoilt children of millionaires, but cannot let me get my break and use my MBA.

Meh, when did this country belong to me, in the first place? Maybe it will belong to us, one day, but then again, maybe not. This empire currently belongs to Washington and Wall Street, let them mourn her passing, if they get their way and destroy her, for a buck. Unless we can make of the USA, what we want and need, well, what is the point of worrying about threats to the Government, the ruling elite, a security force that wants to run us over with motorcycles or a bunch of bankers mixed up in a terror attack, a decade ago.

Do you all remember how sad we were to see the bankers and police die on 9/11? The survivors, the bankers, would begrudge us our careers, belittle our educations, mock our dreams and let us die in the street, so they can Globalize, would they not? The police would spray us in the face with Fox Labs Mean Green, shoot war heroes in the head with projectiles(they would in one other city, at least) and occasionally run a motorcycle over one of us. Wish you could take many of your 9/11 your tears back, excluding your loved ones, if you lost someone? In any event, these scum, in Washington and on Wall Street, will never run China, so I hope they enjoy their infamy and decadence, while it lasts, for they will be nobodies, soon enough, one way or the other.

[-] 0 points by zorno (386) 13 years ago

Ah, but you see, the purpose of the people who are behind this war, the financial oligarchy, don't particularly want for any one nation to win it. They want all nations to lose, that is to destroy each other. That way, they can own the world once we have blown each other up.

[-] 1 points by MJMorrow (419) 13 years ago

Yes, you are utterly right. This is one of the, I understand the problem, without understanding the solution, situations, for me. I mean, long term, a money-less market system will do away with finance, but not necessarily the draw to die on behalf of others. I see that you are right, but I do not clearly see how to frame the situation in a way that would lead to a productive list of alternatives. Have you any thoughts on how to better order humanity, to prevent such violence, to undermine the incentive to take advantage of humanity, in this way or any other thoughts on the matter?

I am at a loss, on how best to convince humans to stop dying for the interest of Global Oligarchs, even if I see an end to Global financial Oligarchs, with a money-less market system. Did you ever read Winged Victory, by V.M. Yeates? This discussion reminds me of an ongoing discussion some of the Camel pilots were having, regarding the underlying causes of WW1, in that book. That time period is eerily the same as today, so horrible to think that these same destructive things keep repeating, over and over, due to the Globalist chess game, played by the same sorts of ego maniacs and all the patriots rallying around the open grave, ready to jump in head first, for the bankers and the Imperialists, in exchange for a bit of ribbon and a flag from a grateful Nation, no less!

[-] 0 points by zorno (386) 13 years ago

Thanks for your comments. I think that whatever has to be done about this, has to be done immediately, or within a few month, there may not be enough of humanity left to explore any alternatives beside hunting and gathering in a nuclear winter.

My first thought was that OWS had to make this its first priority, but as many realize, it is near impossible to get any priorities set on a wide level in this group. The only other alternative that I can imagine is that some major figure has to stand up now and forcefully demand "stop this madness or we're all going to die", and begin the process of impeaching Obama who seems to be one of the main ringleaders in the Armageddon movement.

[-] 0 points by betuadollar (-313) 13 years ago

I don't think there's any doubt that tensions have increased and that the world is polarizing. Are we headed for a hoedown? Or will Iran merely prove to be the next Bay of Pigs?

OK, so, heads you win; tails we all lose.

[-] 0 points by Leynna1 (28) 13 years ago

Check out Benjamin Fulford. He is crible and has much inside info!


he has a pay website and a free website, but if you highlight the titles of his articles and pt them in a search bar, you'll find many have his articles written on their web pages.

Your fellow human being


[-] 0 points by zorno (386) 13 years ago

Thanks Leynna, I do read Benjamin Fulford, although I forgot to mention him, he is starting to deal with this issue also.

[-] 0 points by Leynna1 (28) 13 years ago

oops, I meant to say "He is credible..."
