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Forum Post: What if we got rid of all corporate money in politics?

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 6, 2011, 11:55 a.m. EST by aeturnus (231) from Robbinsville, NC
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It would be interesting to note what would occur if we got corporate money out of politics completely. It would be interesting to note as to what might have ever occurred if corporate money were never in politics in the first place.

I bet you that much of the media would be much different, since a large part of that money also goes into funding major media personnel and reporters. A lot of the major media would focus heavily on community projects. I bet that if Fox News was active, it most certainly would not be the rabid behemoth it is today. CNN and MSNBC would be more likely to showcase far more in the rise of community issues, democracy in and out of the workplace, etc...

In fact, I bet much of the right-wing would either have never had so much power or would end up losing much of it. A lot of the views espoused by the right-wing are in fact reorganized corporate interests disguised as public interests through an ill-advised guise of personal responsibility.

I bet there would be more reports on the horrors of WalMart, Monsanto, and other corporate interests, instead of either the denial of reporting or the support of free-market rhetoric to benefit these global goliaths. People would be less capitalist and materialistic and more socialist and egalitarian.

I claim that there would still be a stronghold on individual rights, but with far less emphasis on the ability to get mighty rich as a right we all should have.

I claim that there would still be support for some market incentives, but with a far different outlook. Alternative ideas, even those defying market ideas, will likely have been a more understood and common practice.



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