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Forum Post: What If This Entire Forum Was Put Together By The Koch Brothers?

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 3, 2011, 3:40 a.m. EST by puff6962 (4052)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

How do you really know who runs this thing, who is monitoring it, or who is gathering your personal information?



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[-] 2 points by pissedoffconstructionworker (602) 13 years ago

Down this road lies madness!


[-] 1 points by Dalton (194) 13 years ago

Then they are funding people to denounce them. More fool they.

If the Koch brothers or their employees are reading this, and if they are funding OWS, then I'd like to make them an offer. I will gladly take a million dollars to say that the Koch brothers are assmonkeys. Do we have a deal?

[-] 1 points by ritacon (29) 13 years ago

I was just wondering the same thing. And wondering why my comments keep getting removed, and why I was banned from the chat room for no reason... except that i was aghast people were talking about guns.

[-] 1 points by infonomics (393) 13 years ago

The eagles landed as John twirled his long mustache.

Use the David Hilbert decryption algorithm.

[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

That's very true. I'll tell you one thing, though. I guarantee every one of these posts/threads is being read by someone in the federal government, law enforcement or otherwise.

[-] 1 points by ritacon (29) 13 years ago

If the movement remains peaceful, it doesn't matter who's spying... it's not a crime.

[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

Exactly. What they are doing though, is compiling a list of keyword frequency to get a general idea of what everyone is thinking/saying, not that that's a bad thing. It's to be expected. I think that's one reason this site is allowing people to say just about anything they want. I also think that's one reason, after two weeks or so of this thing getting started, Obama starts talking about student loan reform and some Democrats are considering a bill to amend the Citizens United amendment. It's also why I say "movement" instead of "revolution." It wouldn't be a good thing if the "r" word was at the top of that list.

[-] 1 points by ritacon (29) 13 years ago

THANK YOU. That is an immensely reassuring reply. Maybe that's why I got tossed from the chat room immediately for responding (in panic) to people talking about weapons...I'm just looking for a way to help. Can I just bring warm clothes and food to protesters near me?

[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

I don't think enough people realize it's being monitored so they speak first without thinking and often let their emotions guide their actions. And I'm sure the warm clothes and food would be greatly appreciated; anything a person can do, no matter how small, to help is a move in the positive direction. As I've suggested on this site, it's going to take change from the top and bottom to get things done; change from the top in Washington and change from the bottom from the individual.

[-] 1 points by ritacon (29) 13 years ago

Can you recommend a safe, effective conduit for cash donations as well?

[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

That I'm not sure of. I would try this email address first or possibly start a new post and ask someone that has a little more expertise than I. Hope this helps: general@occupywallst.org. This is the same email address that's on the main page. Go there.

[-] 1 points by ritacon (29) 13 years ago

Will do. Thanks again.

[-] 1 points by MountainmanGlen (47) 13 years ago

And for good reason with some of the posts I've seen tonight. Is this typical?

[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

Unfortunately, yes. It's hard for a newcomer to get a real feel about what OWS is about. There's a lot of trash on this site. I would definitely check other OWS-related websites before you make any real decisions. Many people are being turned off to the movement because of some of these posts and comments.

[-] 1 points by mountains (2) 13 years ago

Here's how I know we're in good hands: try typing 'Ron Lawl'

[-] 1 points by puff6962 (4052) 13 years ago

But, isn't that what they would want you to think? That way, they evade suspicion. The rightwing trolls, the inflammatory topics, the invasion of the Libertarians.....Is there really a use to this forum besides arguing (and gathering together an enemies list)?

[-] 1 points by mountains (2) 13 years ago

Good point we are all doomed!

[-] 1 points by ScooterLibby (3) 13 years ago

It could be Valerie Plame for all we know!

[-] 0 points by puff6962 (4052) 13 years ago

Or, it could be Glenn Beck. Where's the blackboard when you need it?

[-] 1 points by RonnieStRaygun (74) from Sacramento, CA 13 years ago

Or that damn Senator John Kerry!

Iran is Contra!

If I only I'd had a good blackboard back then. Oh well, things didn't turn out too badly for me, even without the blackboard.

[-] 0 points by betuadollar (-313) 13 years ago

Well, I'll tell you one thing: it definitely was not put together by Occupy which remains decidedly silent on all issues. This is a forum of dissent created for the purpose of measure. And it seems those very same are responsible for Occupy itself.

[-] 0 points by stevo (314) 13 years ago

Yes..the Koch brothers control us. They make us do things......can't stop their mind control. Please help us....please

[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

My brother works for the FED, and they are indeed monitoring all blogs, forums, and other types of sites having to do with OWS. A lot of monitoring is done with netbots who search for dates and events. If you are using your real name, you might want to be careful. They are keeping tabs on who incites violence, demonstrations, etc...

[-] 1 points by MountainmanGlen (47) 13 years ago

My son says you don't have to use your real name, they can easily track your IP.

[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

They could. Certainly.

If you're concerned about that you can create an account for your "anti government posts" and use a public computer at a library to send them. Switching libraries once in awhile is a good idea if you're going to be posting a lot of "anti government posts".

At home, you could use a program like TOR to attempt to hide your tracks, but it's not 100%. If your posts are not "anti government posts", then you won't have a problem.

I assume IP checks will only be run on the most anarchist posters.

[-] 0 points by mediaauditr (-88) 13 years ago

what, my e-mail? The Kock brothers would be no worse than Obama, Boehner or Nancy Pelosi running this place.

[-] 1 points by ScooterLibby (3) 13 years ago

Your IP address, too.

That damn FBI. They do not forgive, they do not forget. They are legion.

[-] -1 points by Frankie (733) 13 years ago

Damn! You figured it out!

Back to secretly running Facebook I guess...