Forum Post: What if Politicians wore jumpsuits with their sponsors like nascar?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 3, 2011, 9:44 p.m. EST by marksp1220
from Burlington, NJ
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I remember Robin WIlliams saying this in a joke and its a damn good idea.
Greetings from Occupy Prescott Arizona. BRAND your own Politician...WE MAKE IT EASY TO DO! Your state's Senators and Representatives are selling out to major corporations.... lobbyist's are buying their votes. Put a stop to this by using the gratis, Branding your Politicos Kit! Like NASCAR drivers, place logos of their "sponsors" on their business suits! (See These life-sized graphic posters rapidly get the idea across that the 1% owns OUR congress! Occupy, enjoy, learn, educate, actuate…. CHANGE!
actually Morgan Spurlock did this with his last movie. "The greatest movie ever sold"
What about CEO. Bobbleheads lol
that would be rather awesome. Really bright colors, too.