Forum Post: What I plan to do with my Powerball winnings (~ $86MM USD after taxes)
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 2, 2011, 1:03 p.m. EST by IwasMrAnderson
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When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, a decent respect to the opinions of humankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation...
In short, I plan to declare my independence from the current society that has produced the millions of people who are so self-centered as to be unable to momentarily suspend their own self-interests to work TOGETHER to right the wrongs initiated by the relatively few "bad apples in the barrel".
I'll buy some land (probably in Canada or Australia) to begin anew. I will actively recruit others who are exhausted from their efforts to rationally improve society and are ready to begin living a better life immediately. I'll be looking for about 1,000 volunteers - I'm sure I'll get at least 100 times that number of applicants.
I will loosely pattern our village on that in B.F. Skinner's "Walden Two", superseding any dated technologies and ethics with more modern replacements. We will be as self-sufficient as possible. We will carefully document our successes and failures, and publish them freely to allow as many others around the world to establish their own, separate peace.
In all honesty, I would prefer to stay and help you, but I'm no longer a young man. Although you have the power of the human mind to guide you, you are behaving like single-celled organisms. You seek to evolve (a random process, that could take a long time), rather than use your higher faculties to overcome the chaos of your efforts.
A few final words of advice before I go my way. You're squandering the value of having large numbers of people in your movement.
You haven't assembled in one enormous group, in one location, at the same time.
You haven't organized yourselves to provide the capacity to perform large numbers of coordinated, of non-redundant activities. Or, for that matter, made best use of those in your ranks with information technology skills - where one skilled programmer can be more effective than 1,000,000 human bodies.
Please wake up and free your minds.