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Forum Post: What I believe should be the main focus of OccupyWallStreet

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 13, 2011, 1:48 p.m. EST by barthw52 (41)
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For lack of my description skills, I have found this youtube video focusing on a rant by Dylan Ratigan who, for me, has stated exactly what is going on and what, at minimum, must be done to take our country back.




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[-] 1 points by barthw52 (41) 13 years ago

I think what is really happening is that the majority of protesters know something is wrong but just don't really know where to start. (That would be me but am now quite informed on the subject due to my great interest to know all the facts of the matter.) Because major companies have grown so economically large, they are able to throw in billions of dollars of advertising for political candidates. Usually always swaying things in their favor. Then when these officials do end up taking office, the companies then pay those officials even more to make bills and laws that solely benefit them and not the people. With this on going process, the top 1% control who is elected and what policies are then made in to law, which are usually in place to benefit the companies their selves.

My demand proposal: Take money out of politics. As I saw in another thread, make a law that limits the donations a single company can donate to a specific political candidate or party.

[-] 0 points by TeaParty (27) 13 years ago

To make this happen we need to occupy Capitol hill and the white house. Obama wants us to share our money with him but we can't touch his Billion dollar campaign money. We need that!