Forum Post: What has you Angry?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 12:54 a.m. EST by Sid81
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Very simple question. What has you angry, why are you, as an individual, protesting. Please don't give the knee jerk response, or a "we are the 99%" slogans. What about the system right now has you upset?
For myself: I'm mainly angry that companies can and will cause layoffs and paycuts while at the same time giving raises or bonuses to their heads. Of having a 2 party government who listens to who can pay them more instead of the country itself. Of a government that can't even balance their own checkbook. Just to name a few things.
So lets figure out why we are angry, then we can figure out how to fix it besides just sitting in a few parks.
I'm angry that as a person with disabilities I will be thoroughly incapable of obtaining health insurance once my current plan runs out. I can not buy health insurance because of my preexisting conditions and the fact that I'm developmentally disabled means I'm virtually unemployable in any job that may provide health benefits.
I live a reasonably comfortable life now but without health insurance I'll almost certainly loose everything I own and ever will own the way the system is designed.
In fact, did you know that if you have social security disability you're not allowed to own more than a token amount of property?
Re SS disability - That's BS! Please provide a link to your source for this statement.
I should have specified that I was talking about Supplemental Security Income which is all that is available to you if you were born with a disability. Social Security Disability Insurance requires that you have accumulated "credits" by working a certain amount before you became disabled. If you were born with a disability you can't fulfill this requirement and if you manage to find enough employment anyway (say, you're mentally disabled and you work between breakdowns in a very good economy where you can get temp jobs like that) then good luck convincing them you're unemployable.
Anyway, the link you asked for:
Oh yeah, another thing. I'm pissed because 3/4 of my coworkers got laid off because my company needed higher profits and now I'm getting bonuses because they lost their jobs!!!
For myself: I am angry that i live in the richest country in the world but i still cannot afford even normal medical care. Going into my mid 30s, i have been lucky in the health dept so far. I rarely get sick besides sinuses or a cold. But i know as i get older i am going to start needing medical attention. I have not been to a doctor in years.
For everyone else: I am angry that banks got bailed out because, as a entity that is in the business of making financial decisions, they made several bad decisions in the name of greed. On top of this after the taxpayers very generously bailed them out through force, they made renewed efforts to foreclose on those same taxpayers that just bailed them out. If that was not insult to injury, they then started to charge account holders silly fees. Now it cost money to be poor and use US Bank for example.
On top of this the govt is nothing but one big group of traitors. Since this country is technically owned by the people as a group and since the constitution is the law of the land, these politicians are suppose to do what we want. They do what they want or what whoever writes the biggest check wants. That to me says treason all over it.
That is not emotionally, but to understand the problems and find solutions to them, makes the capitalist system of capital controls in all of life and the state has no role except in crises And the state in the capitalist system, if we compare their potential company of the companies are weak and this is required in order to control the companies in the state building on the base of the state of the security guard and just be a problem in the two bases are 1 - return the state to the controler 2- Determine the properties and put the Development of public property like oil and continous and vital minrals in the hands of the state, not the money men 3- Cancellation of a market mechanism which impose no state intervention in the economy these steps can kill the cabitalism control
please include in your demands and end to the genocidal, neocolonialist war of aggression on Africa - Libya is just a stepping stone
I'm angry because 1) Bankers that created the largest fraud in history got bailed out while while teachers, firefighters and police who provide a public good get shafted 2) That after selling out our workers to globalization, our politicians refuse to raise taxes marginally on those that benefited from globalization to make up for the erosion in the tax base THEY CAUSED. 3) That we the people matter less then they the corporations especially in the area of free speech
I'm angry that packs of multinational shareholders are allowed to hide their profits off shore and pay no federal taxes while collecting billions each year in federal "refunds" paid for by We the People. The ONLY way such robbery is possible, much less legal, is because our so called representation has been bought and paid for.
Don't get me started on subsidies...
I am angry about the stupidity of this gov't. The federal reserve needs to go away
Sid81 I am thinking along the lines of recognizing the problems and having the unity to change things
How about thinking up solutions instead of complaints? Best thing I can think up and I started this 3 years ago.....Have gotten quite a few auto-responder e-mails from politicians so I started a non=profit best thing I could think of to help people...but I do agree other changes are needed
I hope you don't think charities are going to be a proper substitute for government help. My father contributes tens of thousands of dollars a year and many hours every week to the Saint Vincent DePaul Society but it's not even close to enough and still, too many people fall through the cracks.
You have to read the web page Doc. I started it because I put my own money into it no donations.....check it out please Its what I think this is about and a partial solution
Sorry, I'm not a Doc. It's just my first and middle initials! :) I admit, I sort of exploit it but, hey, why not?
oh geeezzz no exploiting on this web site...its tabooo....but seriously about the web site you should check it out I'm sure if you read it you will see its fact and these people here could use it to unite the entire country if its done correctly
Have to identify the specific problems before you can start creating solutions.
I'm just trying to get an idea of what the people in OWS are upset about before trying to come up with any suggestions for solutions of my own. I made the post simply because I don't feel like sifting through the pages of trolling, insults, and entitlement threads.
Slogan suggestion: Less disparity, shared prosperity.
I'm not protesting; I'm just sending them money and bringing them food and extra clothing because I have a disability that prevents me from spending much time out I have a full-time job.
But I'm angry because my bff is disabled but can't even get disability yet some people in this country want to reduce benefits for the poor.
I'm angry because one of my acquaintances complains because she has to pay taxes for "losers" who want free health care while I'm paying taxes for HER kids to go to school when I don't have any kids.
I'm angry because some of my friends have been people who have worked their asses off all their lives but can't even afford health insurance these days and one of them got cervical cancer because she didn't have the money to go to a doctor regularly to get a simple pap smear and she works harder than any of these parasite pigs who think of HER as a parasite and call people in her position lazy and worthless and ... whatever else they call them.
I'm angry because I have friends who try as hard as they can possibly try but they just can't "make it" because they have mental/emotional illnesses or physical disabilities that science hasn't been able to diagnose yet and then silver-spoon scum call them lazy!
I'm angry because I've worked 60 hour weeks since I was 16 years old (I'm 54) and society has changed all the rules of retirement so that I'm worried about whether or not I'll be able to afford a place to live, or relief for the constant pain I suffer or even be able to eat when I retire.
I'm angry because I hear political people constantly, GROSSLY, mis-characterizing the arguments of their opponents in ways that are just beyond SiCK! Like Herman Cain saying that liberals killed Jesus!) EXCUSE ME! My father would be considered a liberal by those SCUM yet he is a devout Catholic and THE (THE!!) most generous person I've ever heard of next to Mother Theresa!!
Is that enough? I could go on.
angry that we care less about military and prison industrial complex and the war on drugs. Seems we care less about real freedom.
I'm angry that everything we buy is made in China. We need to boycott imported goods Buy Made in the USA!!! working on it homie. you wana help me out, let me know.