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Forum Post: What happened to our live stream?????

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 9:05 p.m. EST by 777Truth777 (0)
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I'd really like to know "WHO" does have something to do with the live stream feed and operation of it as it appears it has been completely infiltrated. At first I thought it was a few bad moderators, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Not only is there no dissent or discussion aloud about anything RELATED to the movement, but now they also never run live feed and when they do, like with Denver this morning it was actually taken over with main stream commentary that seemed to vilify the protestors and worship the police and a channel 9 news reporter actually took over the whole broadcast. I don't know what's going on up there, but someone needs to investigate what the hell happened to "our" supposed live feed channels. Very disturbing. Within a matter of days it seemed to take a dramatic turn for the worse. I heard that we had received "new" funding for our live feed channels and operation, so it looks to me like the very corruption we are all protesting has seeped in at the top of this movement itself. I still support the movement and what a lot of us are trying to do here but we have to be realistic about the world we are living in. The FBI and CIA regularly infiltrate groups that support positive change and with the size of this one we should be aware that those efforts would be massive. If we don't want to let this die, people need to start paying attention to the roles others are playing in it. And, if someone is passing rules and making decisions that clearly don't reflect the values of this movement, then that should be brought to question. If any decent and honest person that actually happens to really care about what's going on, someone needs to figure out what the heck is going on with that because i'm appalled. Not only are we experiencing a total media black out over the television, but it seems that this has also spread to the internet and our live feed channels as well. Whoever came up with the new chat rules and whoever is "assisting" us with the Live feed should be closely looked at. The media is ALL we have. It is what connects us to each other and if we allow that to be taken away then we have LOST. Tomorrow a global day of action and no REAL, unbiased, big picture coverage of it. We can't see anything that's going on anywhere right now. If our group has been infilitrated I say get them out and REorganize.



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[-] 1 points by Gileos (309) 13 years ago

Good someone has to tell the truth.