Forum Post: What ever happened to real capitalism?
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 5, 2011, 12:09 a.m. EST by TrevorMnemonic
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Money is now the power. It has corrupted our government and most importantly our congress. It has used forms of oppression in pursuit of profits, like sweat shop labor, Nike style. This isn't how capitalism is supposed to operate. Capitalism isn't supposed to be in our government. Capitalism is our economy. Outsourcing industry? Sweat shop labor? Poor working conditions and low wages for other foreign outsourced industry? People dying from tainted products because pitching all the product was more expensive than the potential law suits? Hundreds of people dying every year in our country from pursuit of profits? This is not how capitalism is supposed to work. Some of you might call the bail outs socialism... Who was backing certain members of congress to vote on the bail outs? Who was using scare tactics to get what they wanted? They said "if you don't pass this you will see a collapse. You will see riots in the streets. You will see martial law." Well they passed it for them.
We need to get the corruption out of the government and the federal reserve needs to be held accountable for it's roll in our economy and our daily lives. They're not in all of congress... yet. But it's in a lot of them. On both sides too.