Forum Post: What does Occupy have against personal responsibility?
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 19, 2011, 8:17 a.m. EST by hotrod02
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Growing up it was made clear to me that I had to take personal responsibility for myself. If I failed then it was on me and there was no one else to blame.
How come Occupy rejects the idea of personal responsibility?
It doesn't. Where has the personal responsibility gone for the traders dealing in derivatives swaps? I actually didn't crash the economy. Should I take responsibility for it anyway?
The real truth is that it was a lot more then traders who helped crash the economy. I remember many people who were flipping houses and buying way more house then they could afford. In any event, these economic recessions come every 5-7 years and you, as a grown adult, need to be prepared for them. If you are not prepared or do not know how to prepare yourself then there are several books out there. Basically, you should be living within you means...
This is true. But really, when you have a problem as widespread as this is, it ceases to be an issue of individuals and it becomes a systemic thing. And what made the system? Subprime loans that were "safe" to people that shouldn't have gotten them? Made financial instruments based on those? Severely over leveraged institutions on which much economic activity depends? Not a person who's buying one house. Also, this kind of problem doesn't happen nearly that often. We are facing some of these problems for the first time since the Depression (the last time we experienced this level of income inequality was just before that, and exacerbated the banking crash.)
I was raised that if you wanted to buy a house you needed 20% to put down & the amount you borrow should be no more than 1.5 time your annual salary.One of the problems in this country is a lack of financial education in the public school system. We teach our kids math,english,science,history,pe.But we don't teach our kids how financial markets work.It makes no sense that a high school student knows algebra but does not know P/E ratio means.
Just much did Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, etc borrow? How much did they pay back?
Is this relevant?
we set up a government to ensure that our lives are stable predictable and dependable.
i don't understand why we must now take risks in life that we are paying others to take
Did you talk to Occupy? You couldn't have, cuz he was out drinking with me last night.
we are responsible for the state we are in good point...
So what do we do when we have a ruthless mafia running the show????
You mean like banking and wall street exexs took personal responsibility for their massive gambling losses and the bankrupting of America? Oh ! wait they didn't, they got a taxpayer bailout and then wrote themselves massive paychecks and then bought themselves a few politicians so they wouldn't get taxed on their ill gotten gains
Bankers are destroying the economy, politicians are destroying the country, and we are destroying the world. Just look around you may find out how much damage we have done to this earth.
what does wall street have against working for a living (as opposed to stealing)?
Lol working is for the Chinese. We just manufacturer exploding wall street derivative products here in the USA so we can keep our sweaty little fists in the worlds pocketbook and keep writing ourselves those huge paychecks. We will be hiring lobbyists soon to protect that. XOXOXO wall street
Why should occupiers get a job when they can mooch and get fellow citizens to give handouts?
No one is asking for a handout. And 70% of Occupiers are employed. The rate is 56% for that other bunch of shiftless hippies: The Tea Party.