Forum Post: What does a revolution look like? ~ Russell Brand
Posted 10 years ago on Oct. 17, 2014, 4:25 a.m. EST by BradB
from Washington, DC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Russell Brand’s revolution
What does a revolution look like? Russell Brand has an idea and he’s ready to talk about it with Lawrence O’Donnell.
video :
''Corporate Fascism - The Absurd Illusions of a Shining City on a Hill'', by Mark Weiser :
or [alt.&.clearer font]
''By allowing Wall Street bankers to keep what they stole, and the press having no interest in holding anyone accountable, it all works out to continue bribing politicians with more “investment capital” in the form of “campaign contributions” from those same banks – and the US keeps right on moving toward the goal of lording over the entire world. It’s all just part of America doing business as usual, served up by corporate and special interests influencing the unpatriotic duo of US government and main-stream media networks to manipulate the American public into unwitting support for corporate fascism. By all means the illusion of equality, liberty and justice through a disingenuous capitalistic-democracy must be kept alive by our government and news media. If not for the illusion, who or what would run the show?'' ...
And also consider :
''The Neocons — Masters of Chaos'', by Robert Parry :
''Neocon destabilization of the world economy began with the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003 under President George W. Bush who squandered some $1 trillion on the bloody folly. But the neocons’ strategies have continued through their still-pervasive influence in Official Washington during President Barack Obama’s administration.''
Above are just a couple or more reasons for The Revolution and Russell Brand is another person who is pointing out dots and connecting them ! More power to him !! More power and democracy to The 99% !!!
per aspera ad astra ...
Russell Brand, we're with you! Thank you for being with us.
He says in the Guardian "I want to address the alienation and sense of despair that you see all around us. Everyone's fucked off, everyone's had enough, so it don't matter to me how much people have a go at me, because I live in the world and walk around, and people are going, 'Well done, Russell, well done, son.' I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready to die for this. Yeah, I'm ready to die for this."
The interviewer says "In short, he argues that the planet is being destroyed, the poor are being shafted, the rich are getting richer and he has had enough."
From his book "I just used the calculator of my phone to subtract 85 (the wealthiest 85 people in the world) from 3.5 billion (the number of human beings whose wealth the greedy 85's wealth equals) and the answer had a letter in it. Even the calculator has gone berserk at this injustice"
Spot on Russell. This is the fight of our lives. Solidarity! Never give up!
You should watch his show on youtube The Trews, its incredible.
Will do. Thanks. Russell Brand gets it and he's willing to put himself out there. We need more people like this.
The revolution is happening. The change in consciousness is moving forward and change will come. It is inevitable because what we have right now is unsustainable.
Rock ON