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Forum Post: What do you thing about these "proposals"?

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 19, 2011, 5:23 a.m. EST by myb1105 (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The following 33 proposals aren't dogmas. Instead they should serve as a discussion topics:

  1. Buy only what you really need (this way you withdraw capital to those who live from waste)
  2. Ignore, or better avoid any contact with advertisement. Never buy something on the same day you have seen it for the first time (this way you avoid false Requirements)
  3. Buy local products (this way you can stop ar slow down the exploitation of third world)
  4. Buy seasonal products (this way you can save energy)
  5. If possible, buy directly from producers (this way you give your money to those who have developed the product you require, and exclude co-earners)
  6. Buy only durable products of good quality, and if possible rather repair them hen replace (this way you exclude wasting recorces from that benefit large corporations)
  7. Buy second-hand goods instead of new products. Things you no longer need give away to other or sell them (this way you support the longevity and good quality of products)
  8. Prefere chnaging thins then buying. If you have to buy something use interest-free money (this way no virtual money will be created, that can be speculated with)
  9. When buying prefere small shops then large corporation shops and malls (this way you disturb monopoly building)
  10. Learn to withstand consuming order – be creativ (this way you gain a lot of time)
  11. Use free software where possible and convince others to do the same
  12. Consume nothing you don't know about the origin / emergence conditions
  13. Keep your bank account at zero (this prevents bankers and speculants from lending your money/debt to another)
  14. If you can solve that move your account to a bank that has committed itself not to speculate (this way you reward responsible behavior). Cancel your credit card (this way you do not live on credit)
  15. Ignore the mass media, as long as they remain instruments of big corporations, and spread their brainwashing over us (This way you make them perceive your opinion)
  16. Refuse to cooperate with the police, as long as they represent the interests of large corporations (this way you show them who they were supposed to be there for)
  17. Build self-help-groups (this way you are not dependend from big corporations and get back cover if needed)
  18. To build your opinion, use independent sources (always more than one) see the facts from all angles (this way you avoid to become a victim of brainwashing)
  19. Discuss with same-minded people before you make a decision. Think about it, who have to influence your actions and who benefits (this way you make the right decisions)
  20. Avoid any contact with major corporations and do not let them buy yourself or your voice (this way you avoid being corrupted)
  21. Never make debts, unless interest-free with your friends (this way you withdraw the money to the speculators)
  22. Invest your money in only ethically and morally correct projects (this way you can influence the future)
  23. Save your money (not in the bank) instead of spending it (the less money in circulation, the greater its value, and the smaller the speculative possibilities)
  24. Save energy (the big companies make money on every kWh used directly and indirectly)
  25. Do not work together with politicians, as long as they do not really represent the interests of the people. Judge them by deeds not by words (so they will be forced to rethink)
  26. Disassociate yourself from benefiters and followers of current unjust system. Ignore them in all situations unless you have the opportunity to convince them of the injustice of the system (this way you create multipliers)
  27. Work only as much as you need (the big companies make money on your misguided ambitions)
  28. If you work for a large corporation, changes employer and tell them what has disturbed you (they will have to rethink when employees run away)
  29. If you can open your own bussines and produce usefull and long-living things (this way you can directly chalange large corporations)
  30. Be carreful with exhaustible resources, use them efficiently (this way there is still something there for your children)
  31. Do not accept anything without to ask or oppose. You are not from lesser value than others, just because you earn less money. Always stand for your rights (large corporations hope you are lasy)
  32. Discuss about these theories. Give them to like-minded people and friends. If you think, they are right, live them (Your deeds will be good examples for others)
  33. Buckle from anyone (as long as she / he really wants to discuss with you at eye level). Discuss and convince him / her that such acts, like the ones mentioned, ultimately serve the welfare of all people



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[-] 1 points by BlueRose (1437) 13 years ago

Love it.

[-] 1 points by AnonymousOccupySolutions (37) 13 years ago

Great ideas and solutions, but we need to head down a path that is the direct opposite of what the 1% is planning. They planned this financial crisis to offer their solution and keep themselves in power.

In order to avoid current and future manipulations, we need to move away from ALL systems that allow room for ANY corrupt hi-jacking. Check this out: http://www.unitinghumans.com/2011/10/differences-between-new-world-order.html

P.S. In this article; new world order = the 1%