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Forum Post: What do we do about sports stars and celebrities?

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 10:32 a.m. EST by ArrestAllCEOS (115)
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I know that we want to prosecute all CEOs for their crimes against The People and hoarding wealth while not even giving us a job. It is sickening that a CEO can make $10 million a year while we only make $30k!!!

My question is, what about the sports stars, movie stars, and celebrities hoarding The Peoples wealth. Some of them make $50 million a year. What should we do about them?



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[-] 1 points by ArrestAllCEOS (115) 13 years ago

I don't understand you guys....just because they entertain you or make you laugh or whatever you think they deserve disgustingly amounts of wealth? That money could be going to paying off our college tuitions and helping the poor. Instead they go and buy mansions and jewelry and cars. I think we should protest to set a cap on their salary to $250k/year along with CEOs

[-] 1 points by RichardGates (1529) 13 years ago

stop buying their crap. DU!

[-] 1 points by GiveBackMyCountry (2) 13 years ago

Most celebs and assorted other stars like to go with the popular flow because they've let riches and popularity eat them away to the point of not realizing how much sense they DONT make... It's disgusting, and its sickening...

@ Frankie - Most do lean to the left, yes, but what do they say that's right? They say the same exact thing that all the other liberals are saying... It's pathetic and it has brought our beautiful nation to trash dump status... But what do they care? They have tons of money and are presently bulletproof...

[-] 1 points by GiveBackMyCountry (2) 13 years ago

Most celebs and assorted other stars like to go with the popular flow because they've let riches and popularity eat them away to the point of not realizing how much sense they DONT make... It's disgusting, and its sickening...

@ Frankie - Most do lean to the left, yes, but what do they say that's right? They say the same exact thing that all the other liberals are saying... It's pathetic and it has brought our beautiful nation to trash dump status... But what do they care? They have tons of money and are presently bulletproof...

[-] 1 points by Uguysarenuts (270) 13 years ago

Leave them the fuck alone and get a job

[-] 1 points by RichardGates (1529) 13 years ago

dude fox has really got ahold of your brain. if you disagree well enough to intervene, why aren't you stating a real case? do you not have one? are you just bored?

[-] 1 points by Uguysarenuts (270) 13 years ago

stop buying their crap. DU!

Truly riveting stuff

[-] 1 points by RichardGates (1529) 13 years ago

not you, you just keep giving you money away, thats your place in life.

[-] 1 points by JeffBlock2012 (272) 13 years ago

I've read that historically one can measure the level of civilization based on how the society paid it's athletes and entertainers. By that level we are highly civilized. Recently I read evidence of a Greek chariot champion who in today's worth would have been paid $billions.

Entertainers and athletes are the "ultimate trickle down" and I won't yet declare our economy is in trouble until I read of entertainers and athletes being paid less...and less...and less...

[-] 1 points by katelevyphotography (1) 13 years ago

They do make economic decisions by contributing massive amounts of money to the economies they choose.

[-] 1 points by hedonburden (3) from Norlina, NC 13 years ago

Real art should be exempt.

[-] 1 points by Frankie (733) 13 years ago

That's how we got to where we are now with carve-outs for specific groups. Beyond that, "real art" is a matter of interpretation.

Not that I'm a big fan of taxes, but if you're going to do it then the burden should be the same on all on a relative basis and everyone needs to have some skin in the game.

[-] 1 points by unended (294) 13 years ago

They are not the problem, because they do not make economic decisions on behalf of the society nor are they politically organized to influence Congress. That's what CEOs do.

[-] 1 points by ArrestAllCEOS (115) 13 years ago

But isnt it unfair that they make hundreds of millions of dollars while other people cant find even find jobs? I want FAIRNESS and EQUALITY

[-] 1 points by unended (294) 13 years ago

Here is the problem. The businesses that they are involved in (movies, sports) make a lot of money. The question then becomes: who gets the money that the business takes in? As between the people who work to create the product (actors, athletes) and the business's owners, don't the workers deserve as large a share of that pie as they can get?

The problem, then, is not what they make, but how much their enterprises make. And that's on us, I think. I do think, however, that they should be taxed very highly, just as anybody with a lot of income is. Society is not well served by leaving so much money in so few hands. Excess income should be redirected towards social ends.

[-] 0 points by Frankie (733) 13 years ago

I don't get why some seem to carve out some exemption for celebs, sports figures, and the like. It appears to be only because many tend toward the "Left" and they, at least in words and in public, say the "right things" regardless the reality of their actions.

I could make a post right now on this forum describing a guy who makes $100 million/year from a high-fee debit card business which largely targets minorities without access to credit, who's out flying in his private jet to partying at corporate-sponsored polo matches in the Hamptons, and most here would be ready to tar and feather the guy.

But because Russell Simmons jumps hops of his limo to make a brief appearance and jumps on the "it's OK tax me more" thing, he's cool. Even though he'll still be be doing the same business and still be walking away with what most here would consider obscene amounts of money. And he knows full well that it's really not going to affect him much because as a smart business guy, he's just going to pass along the cost to "the masses" and he'll likely still be able to avoid or shelter most of it as he does now.

Sorry, it's hypocritical both on his part and those who want to give him a pass. Not to single him out other than just a prominent example, lots of others.