Forum Post: What did th Koch brothers do wrong?
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 6, 2011, 12:35 a.m. EST by GeorgeMichaelBluth
from Arlington, VA
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I keep seeing posts that basically equated the Koch brothers with the Antichrist. What's the deal peeps? What did they do wrong? They seem like poster children for the American dream to me? What have I missed?
The bus. You missed the bus. The AFP bus, more specifically. They got caught marking the cards, dealing seconds, astroturfing, and, of course, explosions, spills, and then there is all of that serious stuff. But, you know that, don't you?
You did that with a pretty straight face but you still have tells. Keep on practicing son, you've got potential.
Did I interrupt something there?
"They seem like poster children for the American dream to me?"
Your poster children for the American dream inherit their fortunes their dad made off of doing business with the Soviet Union??
I actually don't think what they do is "wrong" in the sense it should be illegal. But I do think they are grossly unpatriotic and anti-american.
I don't know, that's why I'm asking, it seems any white dude in a suit these days with money is evil.....
Not just any white guy in a suite with money. The evil ones are the people looking to F*ck over the working class and in The case of Wall Street the people who sell shit products as gold. and in the case of our politicians it's the people who enable this insanity.
They are FAKE Libertarians!
Instead they are Corporatists who hijacked the NON partisan Teaparty!
At some point, I realized that I too am a fake Libertarian. It all started when the neighbor kicked my dog; I mean, I think... there oughta be a law, you know?
If you cannot distinguish between the most likely have been indoctrinated ;)
Should there be another law on an forever expanding Federal code or state and local laws and ordinances?
I don't think so. It should be your freedom to be ignorant and oblvious but your freedom should end where it meets mine ;)
There is no doubt I am a flawed individual; just saying...
I think we're going to need a lot more legislation to remove all the overly intrusive legislation that already exists. A legislature can't exist if it doesn't legislate, right?
We do not need more legislation......which has lead to our Corporate govt...we need oversight and accountability instead ...having the Rule of Law prevail.
Well, since you are so sincere let me help you out. There is the neat thing called Google, and if you want to find out something you just type it in and Google will find a bunch of stuff. Since you were so nice I have done the work for you. If you will click on these, you can learn a lot. Happy watching, reading, and listening.,_secret_right-wing_meetings
KOCH pronounced: "COCK"
They are owners of a private company that has made them BILLIONS! Together the 2 brother's personal wealth exceeds Warren Buffets. Since 2007, their net worth has grown from $34 billion to $50 billion while reducing the number of people they employ from 80,000 to 67,000. They are the poster boys for GREED.
Net worth doesn't equal gree. Everyone loves buffet and Steve jobs?
For starters.
REALLY? GREENPEACE is your source? the U.N backed, corporation-funded retards who are campaigning to make sure the 99% is taxed into oblivion, jobs sent to china, and push you under the jackboot of big green corporations and government?
Lol, big green corporations. Go fuck yourself.
it is a fact our environment is raped by the corporate establishment with the help......of government!
The American Dream where your dad kicks the bucket and leaves you a bundle or the American Dream where you work your way up from nothing through initiative and hard work?
Anyway, the reason the Koch brothers are constantly harped on is that the right harped on Soros for so long, finally some journalist went out & discovered the right's version of "Soros, the man behind the curtain bankrolling everything" was the Kochs.
Not that American Dream; the one where I attend an Ivy League school, make millions by the time I'm thirty five, and retire to my own private island in the Caribbean. Where I entertain "celebrities."
It looks like the dad made a bit, the sons made that big. What's wrong with that?
Here's some of what they are doing wrong.
It's not just Wisconsin anymore.
I'm surprised I haven't been accused of banning you............................:)
thank you for asking about "wrong"
check out the money that they illegally funnelled to herman cain thru a non-profit to push lower taxes for billionaires.
they have done everything they can to hide the fact that they finance the teaparty that has done so much damage
they have financed segregationist local school board elections with a view to privatizing public schools
if you really wanted to answer this question - your pc would give you dozens of answers
They claim lower taxes create wealth and jobs - in the last few years, their wealth grew 50% an their work force shrunk 15%
American dream - no.
American nightmare - yes
....that proves how under regulation and extreme wealth can damage America.
Yes the Antichrist..Yes that's about it..I believe that the brothers are at least riding with one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse.
Here are a few videos:
Koch Brothers are a true piece of scum who make all capitalists look bad. I am all for the free market but not for scum like that. they asked their employees to vote in a certain manner. They belong in jail. I have no problem with influencing politicians with money, but not influencing the vote itself.
Nooooooo! Not here too! Damn you link slut!
lmfao. dig'n the link slut bit.
Those zeitgeist people are like f-ing herpes, popping up on every post
LMFAO omg. oh shit brother, you nailed it.
I love the Cock brothers
COCK..You must capitalize when you spell it!
They are rich Republicans, they must be destroyed by lies because the truth will not serve. Now, George Soros, now there's an admirable billionaire!