Forum Post: what can I do to help?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 12:07 a.m. EST by Bobby3
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I'm in. I believe in the movement. I mean if Pete Seeger is in - I know I'm in. I can't get to NY until Thanksgiving.. so what can I do until then? I am not alone. There are lots of people who want to help - what can we do?
Help by volunteering for a third party fund raise for a third part hand out info get names out so we can get rid of these democrats and republicans. Let's get real people in office not these corporate puppets
You don't necessarily have to go to NYC. Chances are, there's an occupy movement near you. If not, you could definitely get in the ground floor of creating one. No matter what, though, express the dire need of remaining non-violent wherever you go. In NYC especially, where the police are notorious for inciting riots to justify brutality.
If you can't get to the streets, facebook and twitter net-activism works. There's also a need for level-headed supporters of these forums. Wherever you'd like to jump in, that's where you'll do the most service to the cause.
Welcome aboard. :)
is there an occupy movement in your area ?
This is what you do make a list of demands, anything you want and then post it on here. my list is this.