Forum Post: What are we doing in bed with the Unions on the Eve of Revolution?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 9:57 a.m. EST by rich8ch
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What are you guys doing in bed with the Unions? They are the same people along with the Democratic party who have been screwing us all! In addition to the Neo Republican party! We are being made into assholes! This is an issue of liberty and freedom! Remember that! Those who think that you're being "supported" are only fooling yourselves! We are on our own!
Ask anyone who's in business what the object of being in business is: TO MAKE MONEY!
However those who made the demands on corporations along with taxation have literally chased our work out of the country! Why aren't we manufacturing anything anymore? ANyone know? Can't just say greed... it's way more dark than that: It's control! Occupy Washington DC next that is the answer!
Getting fucked thats what.
Probably becouse it looked like recruiting drive central.