Forum Post: What are the demands of this movement?!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 12:16 a.m. EST by grepcat
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
1% Tax on all Wall Street Transactions Cancel Student Loans Cancel Foreclosures These are the only things you should see on a sign at these protests! Some alternate signs should be: Police Hands Off Dump Obama--(to divorce yourself from the Democrats who are trying to use this movement--the media IS labelling you, distance yourself from the party politics NOW)
All signs should be yellow, of standard size, with black Arial bold lettering, and mounted to a hard wooden stick of standard length.
Also the crowd should not scramble and fold! Form into military formations--such as a phalanx and do not move, have a small chant or syllable to shout in unison. If the police sense that you are organized and strong THEY WILL LEAVE, THEY WILL RUN. I have seen police run from a strong crowd that did not enact violence.
Further, start gathering a following of people who will provide assistance (food, lodging) along a path of travel to Washington DC so the protest can travel there on foot or by truck when necessary.
A lot of people are watching and they welcome the premise of this movement, but the whining has to stop and the demands must now be thrust with unity. Ignore the nay-Sayers and scenics--you have the support of this country! People want to see demands, we already know what the problem is but we need to see solutions on the signs--not stuff we already know.
More protest notes: Strongest people in front and on sides with the professionally made signs (Have a truck arrive with the signs and distribute them for affect) Select a leader and leuitenents to issue and spread commands. Leader intiates chants, otherwise quiet is expected from the crowd. Leader should have a bull horn and be obscurred behind the front lines (so police can't see him/her but can dfeintaly hear him/her and see that the crowd follows commands and stays orderly---very disconcerting to police who are more loosly formed) Stay shoulder to shoulder, back to belly, do not intermingle or overlap, space out as much as possible except the fron and sides which should remain fairly tight
Crowd members should not have packs, only food and water and phone concelaed on the person -- NO TIE-DYE! Wear polo style shirts with collars, black or blue, clean cut.
Support groups are key! Nurture your support group who doesn't protest so they can deliver supplies when needed.
There is more.....
Impeach Bloomberg. It's a goal, a worthwhile strategy, and he deserves it. It can be done before the next election. He needs to be on the defensive, he is a billionaire, and he has undermined an election with his money. This should be goal # 1, let's figure out how to do it.
Big distraction...not on topic 1% Tax on all Wall Street Transactions Cancel Student Loans Cancel Foreclosures These are the only things you should see on a sign at these protests! Some alternate signs should be: Police Hands Off Dump Obama--(to divorce yourself from the Democrats who are trying to use this movement)
Great tips!!!
The POORS blame banks for using LEVERAGE via derivatives, causing the financial crisis. What the POORS don't acknowledge, however, is that the derivatives were based on mortgage backed securities.
It was the POORS who decided to LEVERAGE up (via jumbo loans) to buy McMansions they could not afford. It was the POORS who failed to honor their contracts and to default on their mortgage payments.
So while banks may have had some role as the PROXIMATE CAUSE of the crisis, the UNDERLYING responsibility lies with the masses of POORS.
Of course, the POORS, as they are apt to do, shirk responsibility and are scapegoating the banks.
To avert full-out disaster, the government had to step in with tax money. Who pays the vast majority of taxes? The RICH. In other words, the RICH bailed out the POOR for their stupid, financially unwise decisions to buy unaffordable McMansions. And THAT"S the really irony of this all.
fundamentally untrue....the poor actually pay for everything...including the money that the rich use to pay taxes...I gcan string your logic along all day long....the poor pay all the fees at banks while the rich have their money protected for free (actually they get paid to keep their money there)