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Forum Post: What America Needs Is A Third Political Party

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 5:05 a.m. EST by bookerloud (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

My friends the only way to liberate America from our current economic crisis is to eliminate the insanity (doing something over and over again and expecting a different result).

It is very obvious who is in control of our political system and for that matter, our country. The Democratic and Republican parties are both guilty of deserting the American people and bowing to the will of greedy corporate donors and special interest.

This fact is so pervasive that our country will never recover from its current state until this ideology is completely eradicated form our political system.

That is why I would like to suggest that we need "SHAKE THINGS UP" with the option of a third political party. It would go something like this... The Democratic Party, The Republican Party and "The United Party". That's right, I said The United Party.

The fundamentals of The United Party would be to always put the needs and concerns of the country first and above everything else.

The party's platform would be based on the following principles:

1) The needs of America always comes first. 2) The political leaders in the United Party must sign and pledge that they will work to do the "will of the people" and not engage in any partisan politics. 3) They shall agree not to cir-cum to any lobbyist, corporate donors or special interest groups. 4) They will promote, support and reward (with incentives) only U.S. companies and corporations that focus on hiring and creating jobs here in the U.S.A. 5) They must agree to promoting and having a balance budget for the country. 6) Must focus on winging the U.S. away from foreign oil. 7) Agree to rebuilding our schools and restructure our educational system to provide our children with a world class education that is second to none. 8) To insist on fair and balanced international free trade agreements. 9) Must agree to term limits for elected congressional officials. 10) The United Party candidate will pledge to sacrifice his political career in order to ensure and support the will of the American people. 11) Shall agree not to lie or engage in any form of negative campaigning in order to achieve a political objective. 12) Must agree to repeal the recent faulty decision made by the Supreme Court (Citizens United vs Federal Election Commission) which states that "Political spending is a form of protected speech under the First Amendment. And that the government may not keep corporations, credit unions or others from spending money to support or denounce individual candidates in elections."

These are just a few basic principles that I feel the United Party sould implement to bring back common sense to our political system and get us back on track to make America great once again.

But in order to accomplish this goal, we MUST be united in our efforts to take our country back from the negative influences that is tearing us apart. Our system of governing today is nothing short of a cesspool of incompetence. And ever though the negative influences that grip our nation are strong, it cannot defeat the collective power that we have as a people and a "United" force... which is our VOTE!

If you agree with me on this, then please join POWER IN NUMBERS on Facebook and discover our plan to unite and take our country back from the negative influences.

Please send this to everyone you know and let's unite for the common good! Remember, there is always... POWER IN NUMBERS!!!



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[-] 1 points by Billyblastoff (33) 13 years ago

We need to go a step further than that and create a parallel direct democracy. A secure server where users can login and say yes or no to laws to rule the country! We no longer need representation to decide what we want. The actual system of elected representatives was needed before the internet and all the other communication means that we have. Politicians are to easy to corrupt and the decisions taken are only in the interest of the 1% that have the power. Our only choice is to choose the next opressor... this is enough. The OWS should start their own little democracy where everyone can have a voice. The actual democracy is a paradigm, few people can see a different way of doing things as it has been in our face for a long time. The banks have been very quick to fire staff to use the ATMs, the internet and the phone. We have to fight back using the same tools and establish a direct democracy using those same tools.

[-] 1 points by abmebratu (349) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

A third really independent party unlike the Tea Party.

[-] 1 points by GBA (18) from Montclair, NJ 13 years ago

I agreed that we need a 3rd Force but not the Tea Party. Ross Perot or Michael Bloomberg may be but not Donald Trump.

[-] 1 points by kashmiri (8) 13 years ago

We are here to change the system altogether.This world shall be then the heaven to live in.