Forum Post: What about people on the bottom who are scammers?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 22, 2011, 1:18 p.m. EST by JoeyRockstar
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You know the people we pay taxes for who are probly out on the street protesting.I am low class as far as what i make. I dont collect anything off of tax payer money. There are many people who steal benefits such as food stamps. They say I will give you 50 bucks in grocerys if you give me 25 bucks or drugs. Then there are the people who are unemployment and just call up and say they were looking for jobs when they didnt do a damn thing. Then there are people collecting disability and faking it. They also cry on OCW asking for more free stuff to. I know the 1% are bad but the lower class is just as bad and thats why I do not support either. The people on the street id say maybe 25% deserve to be there and the rest are scum bags
People scamming the system for unemployment, health care and other services acounts for less than 1% of the entire system itself. The fact of the matter is that the vast majority of people collecting these services would be flooding our streets, homeless and starving, if these services didn't exist. I am somewhat fiscally conservative. I feel it's more effective to try to lower demand for services to reduce costs and make them more affordable to everyone, but some people really need these services for survival. You can lower the costs all you want and there will still be some people that cannot afford it. Temporary services should not be frowned upon as a handout, but more as an investment to the future health of our nation. A healthy and educated population is much more productive, commits much fewer crimes on average and a significantly higher percentage will have healthy and educated children. So the arguement that people are just stealing these benefits is not based on absolute truth and makes up an insignificant portion of what is spent on these safety nets.
The WELFARE MOTHER ARGUMENT, have not heard that one in a while. When was it first used? O yeah, it was when Reagan convinced society to take from the poor and give to the rich so they could trickle it down like piss from sky. Do yourself a favor and get a new bongo to bang. What next, are you going to blame anchor babies or are you going to be inventive and come up with a new tool of marginalization.
Nobody here has any legitimate numbers on real need vs. scams. Nobody has those numbers; whether they are "1 in 2" or "1 in a million," you don't know, and claiming you do is just a combination of anecdotal evidence and confirmation bias - two of the most common logical fallacies we fall for.
In other words: first, recognize that your perception of the problem is fucked, and learn to deal with the ambiguity.
After that, we can acknowledge that fraud is part of the problem. The question I ask myself - and I encourage you to ask yourself that, too, if you get this far - is simply: what seems better to me? Helping people who legitimately need the help, and accidentally helping frauds along the way? Or shitting on the frauds, and accidentally shitting on good, honest, struggling families at the same time?
I think the answer you choose depends on how many good, honest people you know, and whether you are one, whether your family and your friends are.
I hope along the way we get better at doing the good (whether you think "good" is just shitting on bad guys, or if you think "good" is helping others) and limiting the bad. But if you wait until you have some imaginary perfect system that only helps the good guys and freezes out the bad guys, you will be waiting forever, and in the meantime the bad guys will continue to exploit you and the good guys will continue to suffer. So stall if you want; just recognize that the longer you stall, the longer you are doing only the bad and doing no good.
I have maybe 10 friends collecting something ,of them 10 maybe 3 do the right thing if you know what im saying.So people saying this isnt a big problem are doign it themself or really dont know people who are on it .Im well known and people make it clear to me what they do
Your ten friends are neither statistically significant nor demographically representative. Welcome to logical fallacy. We have all been victimized by our brain's biological failings. I'm not saying it's just you that has a problem with logical fallacy, I'm just saying do better.
Legislation does not focus on 1 in a million outliers.
1 in a million ha ,you have no idea lol id say 1 in 2 or 3 EASILY
citation needed
new buisiness opporunity ? for me :)
I see.
or ill do it for free ,I think the banks are bad but im telling you there are millions scammed by lower class.All they need to do to get the benefits is lie anyway.Ive seen my ex screw the system ,i know of a lot of local woman doing this .This is a million upon million dollar problem in this country .Thats just food stamps ,I dont want to talk about unemployment people doing nothing but getting checks. I have no problem with people who do the right thing but i will start telling on everyone i can who pulls this shit .
Largest transfer of public wealth to private hands is about to begin. (hint: it's not social welfare)
foodstamps are small beans.
Anyways, they are a form of corporate welfare for multinational agribusiness. When people spend them they On the bright side, they at least have a stimulative effect on the economy according to Moody's:
Social Welfare fraud is small beans, and if people are committing it, it just points to the fact that they can't find jobs that pay enough.
Wow, just wow. THanks for posting good, factual information.
Do you have evidence?? If so, you are obligated to report this under the law and are guilty of being an accomplice. Otherwise, you're just spreading hate and are just as guilty as far as I'm concerned.
Do you know how hard it is to "fake" the disability process? You have to have years of medical evidence, and it's usually a years-long process that involves going before a judge.
The number of people who "steel" food stamp benefits is overestimated by people like you. Yeah, there's fraud everywhere. But you're concerned about someone living in the ghetto selling their $50 in food stamps for 25 bucks while banks are defrauding people of billions of dollars? And corporations are getting billions in tax refunds even though they rake in billions in profit? Oh, but it's all the fault of that poor drug user on the street.
Yes because its a bigger problem then you think.I know in Massachusetts you are required to apply for 3 jobs a week ,they ask you if you did and most people will say yes.I had my 3 job searches written down in case i was asked when i collected .I did what I was supposed to and nobody confirmed shit.Do you know how many people get 1000 bucks plus a month that just make a phone call and dont so shit. Do you know there are stores who accebt food stamps for anything.Do you know woman with a lot of kids dont use there food stamps the way they are supposed to and get way more then 50 bucks with tax payer money.Do you realise a lot of theese people are holding up signs right now with the protesters. Temporary disability has scammers and a lot get caught. The tax payers who actually work give so many low class people a free ride its sick but you guys welcome them in with open arms. I think drug test should be mandatory ,if you dont want to take one you dont get shit.I also think they need to hire people and create jobs to monitor theese scammer full time and take away their benefits for those not doing the right thing.See how fast we get them tax dollars back
"Do you know there are stores who accebt food stamps for anything."
You are also obligated to report these stores.
Again, you need to provide evidence before slandering these stores and women that have kids with hate.
I'm not saying fraud doesn't go on. But when there are jobs, people work. There aren't enough jobs. Have you really not noticed the high number of layoffs? The record unemployment levels? Sure, there are poor scammers, but where are all these jobs you claim there are? Small and medium sized businesses are getting screwed over, can't hire because they can't afford it. And those big corporations that CAN afford it aren't hiring either.
There were a LOT fewer people on food stamps and welfare when there were jobs available. But really, show me where all these jobs are?
Theese people also cry waaaah we are the 99 percent give us a job. They expect stuff to be handed to them without applying or trying at all
Where are all of these jobs you're claiming are out there? Did you not see the riots that broke out over the hiring day for MCDONALDS that people with college degrees were applying for?
Tuition rates are far higher than they've ever been before. People are going to school, getting educated, getting themselves into debt... and they graduate and there aren't jobs for them. It's not just liberal arts majors: for every one lawyer position available, there are two law school graduates wanting that position. When there are jobs, people work. Do you think those law school students went tens of thousands of dollars in debt because they expected stuff to be handed to them? That they don't want jobs as lawyers? And that's only one example.
People are hiring ,you just need to want to work hard ,c&s whole sale is always hiring and pay good.They are everywhere but you need to break your back.Money is out there.People dont want to do real labor.If a job isnt easy or what they want to do they wont take it a lot of them
just remember that the managers of creativity are as uncreative as the managers of bureaucratic governments. that's why they manage. they are not deprived enough luxery to be creators.
I'm not sure how they do it but I know entire families that haven't worked in years and years and the government pays for their medical bills, food, and rent. They had children that I thought would move out and get jobs after high school but they stay there living as dependents on people who don't work. I have written the local state representatives about it but they don't do anything.
Yup, it was those people selling their 50 dollar food stamp allotments who broke the U.S. economy.
All their fault.
No but they helped , you dont get it and dont understand .This problem is huge. I will start a buisiness turning them in for money if they let me.
As I've said, you are already obligated to turn them in immediately. Your reward is not going to jail yourself.
I wish 1. mandatory drug test if you want to collect anything. 2. Heres a job ,how about hiring someone to evaluate those collecting ,like maybe 50 people could do it. I promise the scammers caught during this loss prevention type deal will make up for what the state pays people to confirm everything full time
Mandatory drug testing for anything should be abollished.
Mandatory drug testing is what a fascist police state does.
Keep your government hands off my piss.
hahaha lmfao really ,then no drug test you cant collect .People wouldnt have to take a drug test but if they want MY tax money then yes they should . addict
You earn 230 dollars a week you told us the other day.
I doubt "YOUR" tax money is funding very much.
You know what, if you're really interested in facts and not just emotional judgementalism that makes you feel better, the drug testing welfare people thing has been tried in other states.
It isn't worth the money spent on the testing.
In Florida, only 2% of people tested positive:
This push to drug test everyone is a fucking scam pushed by lobbyists from the people who make the tests.
we could have another whole discussion on whether or not hungry drug addicts (or pot smokers) should be allowed food stamps, and how cutting off their benefits could negatively impact CHILDREN.
There's abuse at the low end (disability checks when not really, crazy checks), and at the high end (preferential tax rates on carried interest). These abuses hurt everyone in the middle which is most everyone.