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Forum Post: What about encroaching winter

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 8:46 p.m. EST by Magus (0)
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Assuming that the movement goes forward into December maybe January and February, have any plans been made regarding winter weather- snow storms and the like? Also it seems to me that November and December will see a drop in attendance because of holidays.



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[-] 1 points by gsholette (1) 13 years ago

dear OWS,

I am an art professor at Queens College way out there in Flushing, but my students are working on projects to help you winterize yourselves. Is there a way to put them in touch so that they understand the limitations of the situation (no permanent structures etc...) and engage in a dialogue with you about ideas? thanks - greg sholette, assistant professor, art department, queens college cuny