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Forum Post: What about an online voting system?

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 4, 2011, 4:54 a.m. EST by UPonLocal (309)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

built ready in Drupal, same as used by whitehouse.gov


propose an issue or nominate a candidate, it is ready to go,

has a fulll mobile verison to take over OWS on the ground with cell phones






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[-] 1 points by iam99pct (115) 13 years ago

I'm sorry to be cynical, but you'll get so 0wned if you try this. There are already so many trolls on here...

[-] 1 points by joshb (30) 13 years ago

see for another system: http://www.law4.org/sede Free software, GPL, freeware: in line to be the official GNU voting system, tested with a political party in the Netherlands (successful), published about in Germany (Linux Magazine). User-space program for the Unix command line (written in C and Zsh, extensive documentation and complete manpage.) Zero cost, open source etc.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

this involves the two sided encryption key

which I never understood

[-] 1 points by joshb (30) 13 years ago

You can set up an encrypted ballot communications channel. This is a Unix philosophy program, and it therefore tries to do one task, and do it 'great' (i try anyway). Encryption hooks are present, you can register a command-line encryption command for each voter (or multiple if you want, it is a flexible implementation). That means that one voter may want to use 'blowfish' and another 'rotation 13' and a third maybe nothing.You then use dedicated encryption software to handle that task correctly.

You didn't understand encryption, and neither did I (hehe), which is the great thing about the Unix philosophy. We don't have to understand it, just make sure our programs work with the programs of the people who do know how that works : ).

[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

This version seems much superior to UPonLocal.

[-] 1 points by joshb (30) 13 years ago

Thank you :). We tested this with D66 - which is a party in the Netherlands - and this was also with some 'software people' (one from a telephone company.) They thought it was superior to another contender called RIES (which was made by some academics in the west or the Netherlands). They then put a proposal to develop these things further to the D66 national Congress, with a view of using my program, and this was almost unanymously accepted by their national Congress despite the rulership (which they officially don't even have because the Congress holds the power in that party by statute) arguing against it. So then we where in, we thought. But nothing ever happened, the rulership decided (for what I can tell, i assume they have excuses prepared) not to execute the Congress decision. This was a true betrayel in my view, because this D66 party (Democrats 1966) exists for the sole reason of making the Referendum a reality in Dutch politics, and to organize their party internally on the basis of Referendums, ideally using telecom solutions. So that party is corrupt, but (of course?) nothing was done about it.

Sadly my program is not yet in GNU because it lacks a maintainer (i want others to work on it now, i have done my part on it and also think it is more democratic if others take on the work now). If you know anyone who can and wants to do it: please, i think you can contact GNU about it (www.gnu.org). I believe these are serious issues to a degree, although i don't think you should fantasize that you can now run the nation on the basis of ongoing referendums (that is just not reality, in my view). But it can be another tool, and it is possible to do that in theory. It is a solution that affords many questions to go back/forth. Come to think about it you can run constant national referendums :). Maybe i shouldn't short-sell my own program hehe.

UNIDO (united nations organization) also showed interest at some point, got some mails from their lower staff. They wanted to use it for elections, which it is good for also of course (open vote can do anything, notably you can program different votes to also be tallied together automatically, but there is also always a raw count provided bit-by-bit compared). But they told me their higher bosses killed their effort, and they did not know why ... (whooo ; ) hehe). ty for your interest.

Some discussion on this on OWS here: http://occupywallst.org/forum/ideas-solutions-strategies/#comment-265360 Some talk about requirenments like getting Unix computer and the necessary 'nerds' on it ...

[-] 1 points by UPonLocal (309) 13 years ago

why not use this system, we are ready to give it to a qualified board...please inform others

[-] 1 points by alfi (469) 13 years ago

I will do my best, it's been uphill so far, even in the Occupy forums, why is this so hard?

[-] 1 points by UPonLocal (309) 13 years ago

JOIN SITE www.uponlocal.com

[-] 1 points by UPonLocal (309) 13 years ago

caause they engineered it to not be able to get organized, it is a blocker operation to KEEP people from organizing and drag cities down with riots by the Anarchists....that is why they co-opted term Direct Democracy

[-] 1 points by joshb (30) 13 years ago
