Forum Post: What a disgrace
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 21, 2011, 9:54 p.m. EST by Brandon37
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Why would anyone support people who act this way? These people are not interested in debate. It's their way or they start crying like little bitches.
Someone should have taken these loons out back.
I thought it was funny, I wish that man would just retire. He has been the scummiest politician since the 80s.
get informed, there is nothing funny here.
Joined Dec. 25, 2011
Of course you did. but then again you advocate the breakdown of our society. You want chaos and some kind of mob rule. It doesn't hurt that he was a Republican either. As long as it is being done to the right, you don't care what is done or what damage it causes.
The republicans already caused the breakdown of our society.
Where were you?
Go ask Clinton and his Dems about the repeal of Glass Steagall (caused the meltdown of 08) and NAFTA (shoved it up the unions asses and moved all our jobs to communist China, whom we are now building up as our next enemy).
Its a bi-partisan screwing, and only those that are new to the political spectrum think it was one party or the other.
Dude, someone needs to take all your money away from you so you can get a better idea of how haggling is done. Maybe, you should go to Mexico and learn how to haggle, then you would not be so quick to blame one person for a compromise that hurt us all. Pointing fingers at the system shows you don't want to live in a republic but would be happier living under a king. Hail King HCHC, the only one among us smart enough to see all the solutions.
Im not saying we need a king, Im seeing people need to wake the fuck up and start actually governing "themselves", and stop electing these two parties to do it.
Start something new, its not that hard.
That comment was a response to someone blaming just one of the parties, which is pretty dumb.
I used to live in Phoenix, off East Thomas. How's the weather?
Then you probably know it gets as fridged as a witch's nipple during the night, but during the noon hours it has been pretty warm this week.
You know, the neoliberal economics question, has been dealt with here. already.
You should look up who really backs it.
I dont care who backs it. Grow up Peter Pan. Its about who signs it.
Are the people you support screwing you? Are they stopping people from screwing you?
The answer to either party is A) Yes and B) No.
You're really hung up on screwing today, Wendy.
You missed that thread, eh?
Whats up with the Wendy thing?
Its pretty hard not to get upset when talkign about the current bunch of losers in office these days, dont ya think?
Can't even remember your own lame insults?
It just comes natural to a "right winger".
Sort of puts the rest of your comments in perspective.
I never called anyone Wendy. I think you are confusing me with someone else.
And Im a registered Democrat, why do you think Im so pissed at Obama? Im trying to figure out why Im the only one.
Hmmm, very short memory, indeed.
On the other subject, I never see you say anything untowards about republicans.
Nary a peep.
Well I have no idea where the Wendy thing came from, Ive never called anyone Wendy before (Im assuming it would be to call you a woman's name, insinuating I think woman are weak, which I dont, I know more smart women than men).
Here's my take on Republicans- its the same as the Democrats. Globalists that are only interested in pillaging the system, doing what they are told, and basically following orders from those who funded them.
The reason you never here me go off on Republicans is because this is a primarily liberal forum that is usually concerned with bashing Republicans more so than Dems. I figure theres enough people bashing the R, I dont need to send in more facts on that.
Other forums where its more a free for all, I trash both, depending on whose on the top thread.
I hate to be so attacking, but anytime I see someone who defends one of these lying parties, I just want to pull my hair out :)
I think it's like I said a while back.
They are both infected with libertarians.
Republicans have the worst of that infection, but dems are not immune.
It's the libertarian neoliberal, Austrian economics.
Libertarian mindset for the top dogs, uber-regulated and almost impossible for the little guy.
The list of bullshit that the realtor's association and the builders associations have lobbied for here in Florida, to drown out the little guy, is insane. I can only imagine what other businesses must be like.
I say start regulating the top guys, and deregulate me.
That makes perfect sense to me too. I'd take it a step further and say to do away with Limited Liability Corpse (LLC) status. I believe a strong argument can be made for tight regulations and criminal penalties for fraud, embezzlement and collusion when running a corporation. Criminal laws seemed to work well deterring murderers and petty thieves. I believe the LLC status of a corporation is a magnifier of greed. Limiting one's adherence to criminal liability then giving a CEO and his army, the corporate faction, the upper hand in civil liability cases, is a recipe for disaster. Might as well call LLC status, diplomatic immunity.
We finally agree......:)
Merry Christmas........:)
You're not the only one by ANY means
Congress "as a whole" has helped cause the breakdown of our society. Where were you?
Bopidity bopidity bop. The liberals have been in control for the last three years. It's has gotten worse every day they have been in power. Better get ready for more Republican in 2012. It's coming at you like a freight train. You will have a GOP White House, House and Senate.
Bad time for liberals, but great for the course of our nation.
Partisan hacks dream on, oblivious to reality.
Because your lazy ass kindergarten congress is playing baby games. They haven't done a damn thing. They are all treasonous assbags and should be impeached immediately. And we will have a GOP potus. His name is Ron Paul and he's the only one in touch with reality. Gingrich is a smug asshole who serves the rich and corporate pigs. He needs to hang it up. He's evil. EEEEEEVIIIILLLLL!
Oh spare us your tripe. You are a Ron Paul liberal.
If you don't mind falling over a cliff.
Still don't have a job, eh?
Keep voting republican. It'll stay that way
I will be voting Republican. Can you seriously, with sane mind vote for Obama after the last 3 years?
You can still vote for a republican after 8 years of Bush?
I didn't say who I was voting for.
Those republicans do love their recessions though.
Recessions don't do away over night. How many have you lived through?
It took Clinton, to really end the Reagan recession.
Why you guys love that shit, I'll never know.
Do you two morons see how pathetic this arguement is? Do you see the stupidity?
Do you see the MASSIVE apathy it takes to hold such thoughts?
Get the fuck out there and create something new. Do something, for crying out loud!
Kissy, kissy the rings on Reagans fingers now, Wendy.
Limbaugh told you too.
Reagan didn't mind killing innocent Americans on our home soil, just to further the libertarian dreams of his handlers.
My ONLY apathy is for your Insults.
In fact, it shows the lack of depth in your thinking.
Why don't YOU go out there and create something?
I'm retired.
I'm retired? How old are you?
You first, hchc.
You are the accuser.
This mess also started in the Clinton era. Not to mention the dems have had control of the house since 2007
The mess started with Reagan ...
Only in confused republican thinking, can a thing start multiple times.
Confusion and obfuscation, is how they get people to vote for them.
Teabaggers raised my taxes.
Once a libtard always a libtard, eh shooz
Lame insults are the last refuge, of those that can't think, or remember.
Try some truth.
It will set you free.
Lame insults are the last refuge/////////////////////////////////////////No it's more like "what comes around, goes around" backtrack on some of "your" post and you will see
I like Waylon.
" It's the Whole World's Gone Crazy Cotillion".
But of course, you're referring to libertarian retards.
So I take no offense.
Obama's approval rating is now 12 percentage points lower than his 2008 share of the vote among young adults (age 18-29); 11 points lower among African Americans; and 10 points among college-educated white women… Compared to his 2008 showing, he's tumbled 14 percentage points among independents, another group that provided him a narrow majority of its votes last time. [Among] upper middle-income families earning between $75,000 and $100,000 annually…. he's dropped from 51 percent of the vote with them to 44 percent approval."
Dear Brandon, I do care. Care is what this whole thing, this revolutin, is about! We just have this little window in time to embrace and clean the slates of our ancestors. Its not about party, race, ethnicity, sexual or any other thing that we as humans may identify with, it's about doing what you deem fit without imposing any burden on society. :) Phase 2 Solidarity!
Yeah, me not so much advocating the breakdown of our society.. more like witnessing it. I wonder if there is anyone who is not secretly making plans..
poor newt - we should have a president named newt - you deserve one who is a liar and welfare queen! this might be a bit hard to understand but work at it - it will be worth it- this is from noam chomsky -Incidentally, the public is overwhelmingly opposed to this. The public is by about six-to-one opposed to increasing the Pentagon budget. The Pentagon is opposed to it, says it doesn't want all that stuff.
But there's someone more important who does want it. Namely, people like Newt Gingrich's rich constituents and others like them, who have to be protected from market discipline. If they had to face the market, they'd be out selling rags or something, but they need a nanny state, a powerful nanny state to pour money into their pockets. They happen to be there represented by the country's leading welfare freak, Newt Gingrich. That's literally correct. It's not an exaggeration and it's, furthermore, well known, although it's not reported. Nor is the fact that the Pentagon system has long been the country's biggest welfare program, transferring massive public funds to high-tech industry on the pretext of defense and security. And that it is a pretext is also well known and has been public, certainly in Washington, since the late 1940s. For example, when the senator from Missouri, Senator Symington, and aircraft producer at that time, Secretary of the Air Force under Truman explained that the word to use is not "subsidy," the word to use is "security."
Mr. SHORR: Current plans call for increasing US military spending by $7 billion more than the Pentagon requested. Why do you think that in the absence of an enemy that was supposedly as formidable as the former Soviet Union was that military spending is going up?
Mr. CHOMSKY: Well, what that shows us is what we should have known all along and, indeed, was obvious all along, that military spending had very little to do with the Soviet Union. In fact, this gives us a good measure as to the actual assessment of the Soviet threat. Military spending is now -- before the increases is now at a higher level in real terms than it was under Nixon. It's at about 85 percent of the Cold War average and it's now going up. And that gives a rational person a measure of how seriously the Soviet threat was taken. Answer: Not seriously at all, or very marginally.
Mr. SHORR: Well, we were fighting communism, is what we were told.
Mr. CHOMSKY: Well, what we called communism, but communism could be priests organizing peasants in El Salvador. We were fighting somebody who was trying to construct a system of -- a socio-economic system that was not in the interest of American investors. And then if you can get them to rely on the Russians, so much the better. And because of that, it sort of took a Cold War aspect to it, you know, on the margins, but no serious planner could have believed it.
Wake up! Our society has already broken down. Complete collapse is coming and the government is already planning for it. They are now putting in place continuity of government plans(COG). They know its about to come crashing down so they are strategizing a plan for it now. You better start researching and turn off the MSM.
Of course there is a continuity of government plan. This is nothing new. I'm not sure what you are referring to.
C'mon April you're smart enough to see what's happening. There is a global financial crisis right now. If people don't see it then they aren't even looking. The banking elite have leveraged the worlds money to the brink of total collapse. Within 6 months shit is going to get absolutely bananas. The government is currently setting up for marshall law. If people would open their eyes and look in the right place they will see it. Currently employed members of the DOD, involved in highly classified ares of Naval intelligence, are pointing this information out to the public. NDAA and the activation of these internment camps are setting it all up. You can ignore this stuff if you like. But its happening. I don't demand that Thrasy agree with me yet he feels like its necessary to deface any post that attempts to wake people up. He is a fucking troll assbag of the highest order. Thing is I'm not afraid of anything. Not even death. I am not looking forward to it but I don't fear its arrival. So I feel compelled to wake people up from MSM and the current corporatocracys lies and deceit. You don't have to agree with me but dont you dare rob someone else of there right to speech. Hey Thrasymaque, FUCK YOU! I am angry. Angry at evil people like you that think they can do as they please. You will get yours. Karma will get you.
I realize there are major financial problems. I don't think anyone can accurately predict when and if there will be a total collapse. All I can see with a pretty high degree of certainty is that without Glass-Steagall being restored (on some global level) there will probably be another crash. Because that's what history tells us.
I can tell you feel strongly about this. I appreciate that. I know you don't like Thras, and thats fine. Name calling isn't necessary or productive though. He has is own way of expressing himself with graphics. You don't have to like it. You and I have had our dust ups too, but I know you have a human side. And so does Thras. Sometimes he chooses to express himself with graphics. And he makes a point using direct action, the same thing this movement uses all of the time. Yes, it's annoying when he posts reams of graphics. Some people think it is annoying when ports are shut down.
But if there is a threat of some global financial collapse, that is all the more reason we need to keep our heads and actively work to avoid it. We need to work to solve the problem. I think the best way to do that is to work to get Glass-Steagall restored. I think most people already realize that there is a global financial problem. Whatever may or may not be happening with the DOD and FEMA camps, I'm not sure how that is relevant to solving the problem and getting Glass-Steagall restored.
I appreciate your opinion. I feel like time is running out to get this stuff done though. If we don't stop fighting and wake up we are in real trouble. I'm gonna be prepared for the worst though. I really have a deep sense of obligation to humanity to spread truth so that we aren't caught with our pants down. You don't have to agree with me but defacing my posts is not going to stop me and others from our message. I care about all of humanity not just my own survival. It deeply saddens me to think we have the tools for change and the power to implement these tools and we just sit around ignoring the window of oportunity. We are in trouble and the time to act is now. I know I shouldn't get so fired up but I am passionate about change. We have to wake up and do something. Government approval is at a record low and still we sit, complacent and in a state of complete denial. I can't even stand to talk to some people. We have to act now while we still have time. Please believe that even with my strong language and anger that my intentions are only positive. I care about all people and want us to thrive.
I believe you care. I honestly truly do. I'm glad that you care so much.
But I think the way we present our message, thoughts and ideas to other people, especially people who do not have the same awareness or knowledge of some of our problems, is important. Meet people where they are, don't expect people to meet you where you are.
For example, honestly, for people that are not aware of the financial problems and the threat of another crises, I'm not sure talking DOD and FEMA camps is a good way to reach those people.
Pointing to some concrete financial historical evidence might be a good start. Like, for instance, I don't think it is a coincidence that 8 years after Glass-Steagall was repealed there was a financial crises. We went some 60 years without a major financial crisis with Glass-Steagall. Glass-Steagall works.
It's just scare tactics to impose more govt control. Stop being a puppet for the shadow govt.
Wow you really are clueless how puppetry works. If I was a puppet for the shadow government I would not be fighting against it. You are the puppet. You're the one with some strange hand up his ass. They do want more control and you will just bend over and take it. Good luck. Let me know how that works out for you.
You are nothing more than a lost soul promoting anarchy in the USA.
I only promote peace brother. I would never promote anarchy.
I would hope so.
Brandon, You sound like you can still b enlightened. we need the breakdown of society and a little chaos may follow, but do not fear my friend. "True souls always know whats rite , and you can join us on the other side" (cage the elephant) Do not fear! this WILL happen. "We Dont Forgive and We Dont Forget" Please restate your position. This is not the time for fu--ing around!!!!
anon take note for my safety and yours. brandon u sound young. Take it slow and b informed.
Where did you get that from?
Freedom of speech is a bitch - isn't it?
OWS speaks against a lying, disgraced politician - awful !
Bush speaks about yellowcake - ?
Rice speaks about mushroom clouds - ?
Paul speaks about words he printed - ?
Rupert speaks about the phones he did not tap - ?
Lets also not forget GOVERNMENT suppressing the constitutional right to vote or the republiclan convention dissenter "corrals"
Freedom of speech does not afford anyone the right to interrupt and speech or event at any time. That's the funny thing about you lefties. You adjust the Constitution to fit any agenda you may have. Then hide behind a false definition of our Constitution. You should be embarrassed at your total lack of knowledge.
I wrote a post about that and stayed focused on the responses for a day or two because I wanted to poll the Occupy zeitgeist to get a sense of the general level of First Amendment law literacy among Occupiers. I was dumbfounded by the responses and you might also be interested:
No leftie dude! told you this is for serious discussion! WTF are u realy doing besides sitting in front of a computer, and i dont ask that for any other reason than to hope you honestly ask youself that same question. hope to see you on the other side. Solidarity!
Uh....yes it does. Maybe you better reeducate yourself on constitutional law dummy.
The first guy looked like he was planning to tackle Gingrich, is that a form of expression protected by the First Amendment? I'm no Gingrich fan, but that unbalanced Occupier is lucky that the Secret Service didn't shoot him.
Actions like that only serve to prejudice mainstream Amercans against Occupy, while simultaneously attracting fringe, radical, extremist elements. People watching from home, even people who don't support Gingrich, see people acting like infants throwing temper tantrums.
Even worse for Occupy: Imagine that somebody is curious about the movement, so they do a web search and they find this web site. With all of its dysfunction and name-calling and conspiracy theories.
I'm pretty sure that secret service doesn't protect candidates a year before election.
Herman Cain is (was?) under Secret Service protection a year before the election. But you're half right I guess, Gingrich is apparently not protected. Luckily for that first guy who looked like he was about to tackle the candidate.
Wow thats crazy. I didn't think they could get secret service until they were elected. Why can't these less government spending people pay for their own protection?
It's funny to see that Newt hasn't backed down from his kill the drug dealers stance. That article doesn't point out that that bill he wrote in 96 would have given the death penalty to anyone bringing a handful of pot into the country.
I don't support Gingrich. But I support tackling him and/or heckling him even less. Shouting people down when they disagree with you is infantile, like playground bullies. That seems to be one of the only things that Occupy stands for, other than clashing with cops. Intolerance toward people who disagree.
I don't think anyone was attempting to tackle him. That seems kind of ridiculous.
The first guy, who was raising his arms before somebody shoved him into the flag pole. Watch the video. It's wasn't exactly non-violent. That guy in particular is a detriment to Occupy.
I watched the video again. He wasn't even running. He raised his arms and I guess that along with shouting made him seem threatening so they removed him. No big deal. I have no problem with people mic checking presidential candidates. I think they are scumbags and every time they open their mouths I am offended.
IDK, the Mic Check was used inappropriately, that was dorky. The rest was ok. Quite lucky he got the kid gloves treatment. Most security would have floored his dumb ass lol.
all and all, I'd give him a 4.
Mainstream americans are living in a slumber. A state of hypnosis. They agree with everything the MSM feeds them. These people are victims of a system designed to keep you distracted. I am fully awake and I'm never going back to sleep.
Absolute state of hypnosis, alpha state. I mess with people all the time to prove it. While they are zoned into the TV, I plant suggestions with low voice say - its kinda cold in here, repeat wait for commercial to switch and again.
5 minutes later the person will say, gee its getting cold in here.
I have videotaped this and shown it to the people - some are aware and more cautious, others fall right back into the trance, they are simply in denial or think they have to be physically asleep to by hypnotized, etc.... It is real
I don't even watch TV anymore when I'm home. I am fully awake and plan to stay this way. Thank you for your comment.
Dominos Pizza commercial , cheesy bread and wings commercial that I played in between 4 times patched in on another channel loop. worked on 3 people, 2 had craving for bread, one pizza and wings/soda.
True alpha wave mind / thought control - no doubt it exists not a conspiracy as many think....I can get people to walk into a wall too ....its funny
Why is this not suprising? Lol
No it doesn't dummy. Freedom of speech affords you the right to stay out of prison when speaking your mind. Mic checks at organized events will get you thrown out on your ass every time, dummy.
Ooooooooh dummy, that really hurts my feelings. Like I said, kindergarten. And yes it does douchebag!
Everyone in ows- needs to see how to protest and make them squirm. OCCUPY Des Moines-- what a great group of freedom fighters- fantastic job-- put people first- put people first- and clapping. You have made all of ows proud-- and representatives of this corrupt system very pissed- again you are the greatest---
I am not a troll and did not come here to cause problems, but you sir are ridiculous. You represent a crowd that is completely oblivious to the fact that people don't like them. Completely unaware. How does one become this brainwashed? Seriously. I really want to know.
Its called non violent resistance against evil- we are supposed to piss them off- and the more they don;t like us the better- I got brainwashed here-- Its called Nonviolent -direct action "Training" Web page.
dedicated to those of you who believe in the nonviolent struggle model, and especially to all of you who are willing to dedicate your time and energy to nonviolent struggle for a
better future of your homelands.
Being pissed off and actually getting something done are two very different things. This is just more of the ridiculous behavior that OWS is being associate with. Get some serious focus and then maybe the real 99% will stand behind you.
OWS is being supported from Egypt , Serbia and are following the books of Gene sharp- They are unstoppable-
And being supported by Egypt and Serbia means what to to the US? This is becoming nothing more than a hissy fit. Until OWS focus's on the core issues nothing will happen.
Who cares who supports you in Egypt? How ridiculous can you get? Good God man.
Oh yeah. Those "uprisings" in Egypt and Serbia are going SO well. SO peaceful. Yep. WiNNING! not.
So you think anything that is non violent is acceptable? Somewhere during your developmental period you did not learn how people conduct themselves in society. All this does is set back the people associated with OWS who want to do things the right way.
We don't except society boundary's- that separate us from our other human brothers. Jews, Arabs, Christians all people that live under oppression- will join with ows to fight together. against those who rigidly believe as you do.
our intent is to shock confound- and conquer . non violence- is the most painful thing we can through against our opponent- as you will see.
If that's the most painful weapon you have, something that requires me to take some Advil and purchase some earplugs....I'll live in constant fear of being confounded and conquered. Not.
Ear plugs. Right. That is the most common tactic of Occupiers when faced with constructive criticism: sticking their fingers in their ears and chanting, "NYA NYA NYA I CAN'T HEEEEEEEEEEAR YOOOOOOOU...."
You don't have to ACCEPT society's boundaries with any greater passion than you accept it's spelling and grammar. But given that "society" has more people in it than OWS, be prepared for that society to ignore you and tolerate you until you push it too far and then that society will enact PERMANENT boundaries made of steel and concrete and soft white padded fabric to separate you from your human brothers.
That's nice. I'm afraid that society will eventually make you accept the boundaries. It's just a matter of time.
Those demonstrators were trained, to clap and replete over and over again, the same thing and do it to get lots of publicity. ows tomorrow will gain a lot of new members after watching it. Its all in the training manuals- Please notice that they were having a ball, it was the greatest moment of their lives. They will proudly show the video to their grandchildren lol and newt's supports were as mad as hell.
How long did it take to "train" them to clap and repeat a phrase? Is there, like, a school or something?
Takes the 2 year olds in my Sunday School class about 15 seconds to do it.
Yes there are many training school's , most of it is on this web page. for free
Nonviolent -direct action "Training" Web page. dedicated to those of you who believe in the nonviolent struggle model, and especially to all of you who are willing to dedicate your time and energy to nonviolent struggle for a
better future of your homelands.
So tell me.. what exactly will clapping and repeating actually do? It didn't stop the speech.. it merely put it on hold for a few minutes until they were removed. Is this supposed to accomplish something? Get some focus. Without focus and some concrete issues, nothing changes.
People all over the world saw that the American people are unhappy with their election process. and it allowed ows to train their members (for free) how to disrupt an election campane- 10's of thousands of people now know what to do, come the us election season-
And again I ask, what will this actually do? Sure folks are unhappy.. but explain what this type of activity will do.
It further prejudiced more mainstream Americans against Occupy, and it attracted more radical extremists to Occupy.
Yes it most definately has alienated mainstream Americans. The radicals unfortunately, are going to be the faces we see and walk away from. There has got to be focus and clarity and the bad apples, as in any walk of life ,are going to spoil the bunch.
Three things. It may attract more members, but it won't be quick enough. The majority will turn against people who do this. Secondly, I probably will not be voting for Gingrich.
You are only a child on the computer. Once you get a little older, you will realize how foolish you used to be. I see what they mean by "tolls" now. You are giving many a bad image.
Sweetie-they train SEALS to clap and bark over and over again, and the very cutest and dedicated ones get lots of publicity at the zoo. And maybe the training manuals at Sea World promise the seals that there will be lots of "new seals" after people watch them...but those training manuals are wrong.
I'll agree with you that for most of them it WILL BE the "greatest moment of their lives". How sad is that? It means they can't possibly have any grandchildren to show the videos to...because having children and watching their hildren have their own children would be GREATER moments for them than acting like a moron for the whole world to see.
The way this works is always the same- they brand us as terrorists, then the people see us playing the clown- the fool. If we are singing, dancing, joking around we can't be arrested as terrorists- and if so the video will be all over the internet- Shit we took down the The Soviet Union, Gaddafi east Germany when the us military couldn't -- friend this is not a game--
I bypassed "terrorists" and when straight to clowns from the beginning. They can however arrest you for trespassing, disturbing the peace, and any number of other things. There's a video "all over the internet" showcasing a baby laughing....yeah...that baby has a growing movement. were a child when the Soviet Union fell. (Were you even born yet?)You didn't take down anything.
Oh you're pissing people off alright. ALL THE PEOPLE you hope to recruit to your cause. The more people don't like you, the better off we'll all be.
It happens because of 'discussion' venues like this one, where like-minded people form an echo chamber that repeats and reinforces tenets of groupthink. Rather than addressing constructive criticism intelligently and productIvely, they shout down dissent. I've been here for months playing devil's advocate and trying to constructively criticize fallacious and/or counterproductive ideas. But most people who have responded have behaved more like toddlers than like progressive intellectuals. Declaring somebody a "troll" is considered to be a perfectly valid and compelling response around here (it will happen to you soon if it hasn't already) which diverts the subject from the constructive criticism.
One of the most fascinating examples of a tenet of groupthink that's bouncing around this echo chamber is the idea that the economic model of supply and demand is false, because it conflicts with some people's rigid belief systems. In exactly the same way as a creationist rejects the scientific conclusion that the Earth is more than 6,000 years old. It's exactly the same phenomenon as when a group of religious fundamentalists chooses to only associate with each other and not with evil people who have different belief systems, who might challenge their faith. The conventional wisdom among liberals is that faith-based thinking is only employed by conservatives, but we see a counter example in the rejection of the model of supply and demand.
It accomplished the exact same thing that it accomplishes when a toddler starts screaming in public or throws themselves on the floor to express "non-violent" resistance. Except that people are inclined to forgive innocent children.
You can call it non violent resistance. Hell, you can call it calf roping if you want to. But that doesn't change what OTHER people call it. And 90% of the adults in this country call it stupid, disrespectful, and completely out of touch with civilized, mature behavior.
Newt Gingrich is not interested in political debate either. I shudder to think what he's like when he doesn't have his way.
Stay focused on The main Goal of The 99%, to topple the exsisting power structure, Greed! Phase 2.
Reagan insider: 'GOP destroyed U.S. economy' Commentary: How: Gold. Tax cuts. Debts. Wars. Fat Cats. Class gap. No fiscal discipline.
"How my G.O.P. destroyed the U.S. economy." Yes, that is exactly what David Stockman, President Ronald Reagan's director of the Office of Management and Budget, wrote in a recent New York Times op-ed piece, "Four Deformations of the Apocalypse."
Get it? Not "destroying." The GOP has already "destroyed" the U.S. economy, setting up an "American Apocalypse."
Yes, Stockman is equally damning of the Democrats' Keynesian policies. But what this indictment by a party insider -- someone so close to the development of the Reaganomics ideology -- says about America, helps all of us better understand how America's toxic partisan-politics "holy war" is destroying not just the economy and capitalism, but the America dream. And unless this war stops soon, both parties will succeed in their collective death wish.
@ Brandon37.....................Are you saying that demonstrating against a supporter of the 1% and candidate for President from the party of God is a bad thing?
You really cannot see that the manner in which it was done is the problem? If this is the new fad, mic checking all sorts of events and speeches, expect more opposition and being thrown out on the curb each time it happens.
hello brother email me. or fuck off
Bringing a conscientious message to a dirtbag is a noble action. These guys should be getting paid for giving the scummy Newt some free therapy.
Good thinking. I think the Tea Party should occupy all Democrat candidates and set up camp at their convention.
chomsky - Incidentally, the public is overwhelmingly opposed to this. The public is by about six-to-one opposed to increasing the Pentagon budget. The Pentagon is opposed to it, says it doesn't want all that stuff.
But there's someone more important who does want it. Namely, people like Newt Gingrich's rich constituents and others like them, who have to be protected from market discipline. If they had to face the market, they'd be out selling rags or something, but they need a nanny state, a powerful nanny state to pour money into their pockets. They happen to be there represented by the country's leading welfare freak, Newt Gingrich. That's literally correct. It's not an exaggeration and it's, furthermore, well known, although it's not reported. Nor is the fact that the Pentagon system has long been the country's biggest welfare program, transferring massive public funds to high-tech industry on the pretext of defense and security. And that it is a pretext is also well known and has been public, certainly in Washington, since the late 1940s. For example, when the senator from Missouri, Senator Symington, and aircraft producer at that time, Secretary of the Air Force under Truman explained that the word to use is not "subsidy," the word to use is "security."
Mr. SHORR: Current plans call for increasing US military spending by $7 billion more than the Pentagon requested. Why do you think that in the absence of an enemy that was supposedly as formidable as the former Soviet Union was that military spending is going up?
Mr. CHOMSKY: Well, what that shows us is what we should have known all along and, indeed, was obvious all along, that military spending had very little to do with the Soviet Union. In fact, this gives us a good measure as to the actual assessment of the Soviet threat. Military spending is now -- before the increases is now at a higher level in real terms than it was under Nixon. It's at about 85 percent of the Cold War average and it's now going up. And that gives a rational person a measure of how seriously the Soviet threat was taken. Answer: Not seriously at all, or very marginally.
Mr. SHORR: Well, we were fighting communism, is what we were told.
Mr. CHOMSKY: Well, what we called communism, but communism could be priests organizing peasants in El Salvador. We were fighting somebody who was trying to construct a system of -- a socio-economic system that was not in the interest of American investors. And then if you can get them to rely on the Russians, so much the better. And because of that, it sort of took a Cold War aspect to it, you know, on the margins, but no serious planner could have believed it.
That's fine. As long as you understand that if you act the way they did, it ruins any chance of credibility you might have had. One hundred percent of your image and appeal is down the toilet once you lose control like this..
Would you agree with a group of Young Republicans showing up at an Occupy GA meeting to shout down the speakers and drown our their messages?
They achieved nothing but made themselves look ridiculous and further weakened the OWS message. Even CNN smeared them!
First the mumia post, then the attempt to seize private property of a supportive church, and now this. In terms of popular opinion, this movement has gone completely tone-deaf. Like they used to say about the PLO, these folks never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.
The Chris Christie one was actually pretty funny.
what i can't hear you- were you saying something- PLO great idea, we need to support them against Jewish injustice against them. do you have the plo's web page or phone number-
Sure, why not add another issue to the long and unfocussed list of stuff OWS is about? Don't forget the whales. And global warming. And reproductive rights. And the 2000 election. And Puerto Rican statehood. And (insert grievance here)... If this movement gets any more diffused, it'll disappear into the ether.
get off this site unless ur serious. ip reg anon knows dds MF
come on brandon Just what i thought
Yeah, that loon Gingrich, should have been taken out back many years ago.
Unfortunately, He's among the best the GOP has to offer.
Sad, really.
Really, really, sad.
A serious question - what does the group feel that they accomplished in this event?
This is exactly why they'll never get the support of the 99%.
exactly. I was sitting at home watching this on the news. The first feeling that came up is anger. It literally made me want to punch that guy.
Yes i wanted to Punch newt gingrich to
me to.
Wow, really? Don't speak for the OWS group please. Your not welcome here with your agenda and attitude.
If OWS doesn't speak clearly for itself, then people like that will speak for it by default. That's what happened at the Gingrich speech.