Forum Post: Wha....!?? DKA, have you Hi Jacked this Board, or What?
Posted 12 years ago on Jan. 18, 2013, 1:19 p.m. EST by Marlow
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Laffn my head off how your Points are hitting the roof with your Laughter to the Rafters!
...... Good on YOU!
BTW - can every one do a down vote on those comments - so that real good comments will be displayed? ( non-sense controlling the best comment board )
'Fun Friday'..
.. People..... sometimes, dont you just feel like turning that Frown upside down?... .. ..Or "Kicking someone in the Junk?" (by DKA)
Now THAT IS FUNNY - aAHhahahaha - U kidder U - thx I needed the laugh.
Now now Marlow - we need not draw more attention to my August self. lol August meek mild humble self. lol
People do not reply to this post - unless of course you need to have some fun and blow off some steam.
We Be Have'n Fun.. Oh Yeah...
..I think you just broke a few Forum Records Today..
.. Couldnt have happened to a nicer guy.. and the Board knows it.
U R sweet to think so - it is actually an attack on the best comment board. Yep {;-}.......................... it is not about me OH Boo Hoo Hoo hoo hoo
Talk about your 'Friendly Fire'....
.. You do know that those brackets you use for your winking face.. makes you look like your wearing a Kaiser Helmet
The 1st bracket is supposed to look like Alfalfa's slicked down hair and cowlick - The 2nd is my heartbroken mouth and no that is not drool - but tear drops shed from my wounded and very sensitive heart. :-\
((O))^((O)) ..... I SEE!
aAHhahahaha - U kidder U