Forum Post: We're Almost Ready - Occupy Rose Parade - Please Join US!
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 28, 2011, 8:47 p.m. EST by WeUsAll
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The float is looking good.
I have mixed feelings about OWS being at the Rose Parade. I am just worried about backlash where people will be mad that we are there and that we turn them off.
Already, the Tea Party in that area, said that since OWS will be at the Rose Parade-they will be there as well. They stated that they strongly disapprove of what OWS will be doing and that they will be protesting OWS. So brace yourselves guys. I personally think it is spiteful of them to resort to this.
Anyway, even though I have mixed feelings about Occupy Rose Parade, I wish you guys the best. The float/banners looks lovely. PEACE!
TEAPAC leader Michael Alexander will undoubtedly be angry, red faced and passionate about his hate, he always is, but you should see how angry he gets when people don't sign up for his self made TEAPAC donation pledge when he passes it around at every opportunity. I've seen this lunatic practically frothing at the mouth and suggesting that members of Pasadena City Hall be taken out and shot, simply because they enforced laws that he doesn't like. Usually he's hiding in the background at public events while cooler heads make speeches. The fact that he's becoming more prominent means he's on his last legs. I hope he shows up, in front, where everybody will have a chance to see this maniac for what he really is. Fortunately, all the candidates he supported in the last election lost.
Yeah, I thought the Tea Party were being very hot-headed over the idea of Occupy Rose Parade. They (and especially this TEAPAC leader) is not helping the Tea Party cause by behaving like a spiteful idiot. He, as well as his fellow Tea Party people, are going to end up shooting themselves in the foot and looking stupid.
More power to you guys!!! Yaaaay!
I was wrong. One of the dozen or so candidates he backed did win. Funny how that's all he mentioned. Also, in the article you posted the link to, the only other person making a statement is the wife of a major losing candidate. What are they going to do, boo us? There have been so many families, some with preteen kids, having such a wholesome good time, that it seems impossible that anything negative could come from this protest. Unquestionably there will be some right wing "freedom fighters" who will try to make the Occupy protest into an assault on an American tradition, but far more will support the American tradition of the right to protest. This is coming from my perspective from what I've witnessed on the ground. This protest should be well received.
Well, I wish you guys all the best. The Rose Parade is a beautiful parade with a large turn out. Let the OWS message stand out loud and clear. We are the 99% and we are not going away anytime soon.
The floats and banners are coming along great. We don't have millions, but we do have imagination. It looks like there will be about 1000 joining the OccuptTheRoseParade as of now. I would implore anybody that can make it, to please come down and join the march. It's a great chance to take the movement to the next level. Imagine what a statement 10,000 marchers would have on the viewing public. Come on down, we're having a great time preparing for a great cause.
Please bring signs to point people to the facts and the truth!
"Starting a war in Iran is not 'cutting government spending'"
'BIG Government Homeland Security and TSA wastes more money than welfare'
It's not Inflation! Goldman Sachs's Speculation is why you are Paying Double for your Groceries.
Insider Trading is Illegal for Congress, Prosecute now!
Robo signing is Illegal, and it IS STILL HAPPENING! Accountability Now!
We need to work harder to get the facts out there. The corporate media is all too quick to spin so make the facts hard to ignore.
Slowly, the mainstream are getting the facts and it's already manifesting in everyday American life. Change is slow and when the pendulum has swing so far in one direction, it takes a little momentum to swing the other way. We're getting there.
"the mainstream are getting the facts"
Their job is to distort and distract, we must force them to tell the truth on our public airwaves.
Agree 100%!!
It's on, come on down. Good crowd down here, don't miss the history, support!
Take a break after working on the floats and have a swim in either an 81 or 87 degree pool or relax in one of two super hot outdoor hot tubs. Good food also available. Everyone's invited.
This is very clever! Congrats OTRP
Makana says "take heed of our notice to redress" and history says:
"The events above noted gave unmistakable evidence of the unity of American sentiment against British oppression; but something more must be done to bring about united action. There must be some central authority to which all the colonies could turn for guidance. This political union came about in the formation of a Continental Congress. This Congress was the result of a spontaneous and almost simultaneous movement throughout the country. From New York came the first call. Paul Revere had been sent from Boston on a fleet horse to rouse the people of New York and Philadelphia, but ere he reached the former the Sons of Liberty had taken action for a congress. The Massachusetts legislature added its voice in June. Delegates were chosen in all the colonies except Georgia, and they met in Carpenter's Hall, Philadelphia. Among them we find such leaders as Washington, Lee, and Henry of Virginia, Dickinson of Pennsylvania, Samuel and John Adams of Massachusetts, Roger Sherman of Connecticut.
The Congress was not a constitutional body; many of its members had been chosen irregularly. Its authority was limited to the willingness of the people to respect and obey its suggestions and mandates. The very fact of its existence had a meaning of great significance, but it was too profound for the comprehension of George III. It was less a congress than a national committee, an advisory council of continental magnitude. It attempted no national legislation."
Indeed! OTRB will be the first nationally televised live Occupy event that will be seen by the most people at the same time. A great way to kick off Occupy 2012.
New York continues to acquiesce in making the call. Please consider taking this opportunity to make the call for the Third Continental Congress. History will recognize and thank you for it.
Nice job slick looking great keep working on it, I look up to you guys, and that's something since I don't look up to too many people
The laughingstocks!
Yes, of course, lets not forget THE laughingstocks. Notice the puppet master in the background holding the yellow paper, making sure the script is being followed. AKA chuckle heads.
The Rose Parade is a great event, that is non-partisan. Why ruin it with your politics.
This is a shame and you do realize that the TV cameras don't televise the crazies at the end of the parade.
The Rose Parade is a corporate sponsored event, not political. Brought to you by Wells Fargo, Farmers Insurance, and Chinese company Taco Bell, etc. You do realize that TV camera's televise anything that sells corporate advertising. It is a shame, a shame that corporate greed has come to this.
It has corporate sponsors but is managed and organized by local volunteers. It really is a community event. Politics and opinion have never and should never enter the conversation.
The "crazies" that follow the end of the parade are only seen by the spectators, the cameras don't pick them up. I can assure you as one who has been in the stands many times, they are dismissed as knuckleheads.
There's no politics with Occupy, we're part of the community too, who are also volunteering. You can categorize Occupy as crazies, but that's not the case. The Occupy float is one of the more anticipated floats and will be broadcast; you can bet on it.
There's no politics with Occupy, are you kidding? You are part of the community, what positives have you brought to the community - sitting in public squares, defecating on the streets, fornicating in public, using drugs in front of children and the public, closing down ports so that hard working people can't work. What positive is there with what you have done already. You have every option to use the electoral system to make yourselves heard and you have chosen to be non productive.
Most anticipated floats, yeah right.
Of course I'm not kidding and you can't prove your point, because it's erroneous. In fact there's no truth at all in any of your accusations of me. I stated that it was one of the more anticipated, but you're right, it's probably the most. It's the only float that's getting non stop coverage on CBS, NBC and ABC. ABC seems to be covering it - -
So does NBC - - In fact, It's getting more coverage than all the other floats put together. Actually it's pretty cool and you seem pretty pissed about it - why?
The local news also covers the annual selling of girl scout cookies. They run these stories about the Rose Parade every year.
I absolutely disagree with opinion and politics entering such a beautiful event as the Rose Parade. You people have no hygiene and represent bad behavior. Do I want that at an event that accentuates the positives, no way.
All you have to do is read this board, much less than visiting the encampments, to see invectives being hurled at people. This is disgusting behavior that doesn't belong at such positive events like the Rose Parade.
The Rose parade has never before had Occupy float stories, this is a first. Beautiful event? Well that's your opinion and you're entitled to it, just as other Americans are entitled to protest. You don't want the protest at a corporate event? Well, don't look at it, you can't always get what you want. And the "you people" bigoted statement where you lump everybody into one neat little stereotype and pointing me to read the lowest common denominator threads on this board, tells me that we're not going to agree on this subject.
You don't have a float in the parade, you are following the end of the parade along with all of the other crazies who are predicting the end of the world.
You can protest all you want, but when you force your speech on everybody else it is crossing the line. No, you are not allowed to sit in the middle of a city and refuse to move so no body else can enjoy the city.
When I walk by the protests and see defecation, drug smoking and injecting, and rampant overt sex and your group and organizers do nothing to stop it, yes I lump you in with it. Read some of the posts on this board. I have never seem people you words like this in open company and don't kid yourself, it is wrong. If you are a supporter you need to control your people.
I'm not the only one who believes the Rose Parade is a beautiful event. 52 million people watch the parade via television and 1 million people watch it in person. There's the market telling you what's reality. But i know you folks don't listen to the market, you just try to force your opinions on everybody else.
Yeah, you said all that before. Repeating it doesn't make it any less false. So, you walked by the protest and saw illegal activity and didn't report it? Who needs to control who? Even with your bloated figures, it's clearly an American minority that loves the parade, most people can't stand it.. And clearly, society does allow us free speech or it wouldn't be happening. You go ahead and read the board, I don't have time for such nonsense, I'm just reporting on an event.
I did report it but of course, in Oakland and SF, you had city authorities who like your message.
Yes, your correct most people can't stand the parade and the multiple television stations that cover are just doing it so nobody will watch it. Yes you are absolutely right.
Boy, your a really busy guy. You better get out there and put your signs together.
Yep, most Americans like the message. There's always the 1% that don't like anything to change and a national network that always covers the frivolous, but there will be a slight program change this year.
Yeah, you keep believing that most Americans e city officials. Genius thinking, keep it up.
You will win a lot of elections this way. The Tea Party makes you look like children.
Seems like you need to sober up.
I thought you had better things to do?
Actually, it might be better for OWS if the giant octopus does not end up on national television. One of the most important rules of successful marketing is not to be associated in any way with "negatives" of any kind. Especially on purpose.
The image of a giant octopus is a negative image to many people-hence the reason why OWS probably selected it to represent their nemesis Wall Street-BUT it's going to backfire...
People are already noting the similarity to the name of the giant beasty float, and soon the movement will be known as "Occ-u-pus" and individual protesters will be known as the "Occ-u-pi" of Wall Street. :)