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Forum Post: Welfare, Unemployment, and Job Development

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 13, 2011, 5:08 p.m. EST by FairShare (90)
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Is it time to have a national program with all states complying to actually implement programs that work and save money based on progressive models? Why unemployment? Let's do away with that and start something that really works. A nationwide interstate jobs database that all states use in order to put people back to work. Training programs for the skills needed by prospective employees via this database and share the costs for training with these employers. Relocation assistance, mass transit vouchers and some cash for the unemployed to eat, rest, and live while training before being relocated and for a few months after being relocated to the new job. Instead they sit and get validations on job interviews they are not trained for only to collect unemplyment for the maximum amount of time before going on welfare. You don't want to move to where the work is and take training then your benefits will be reduced or cut. You make an effort and we make an effort as taxpayers to help. Welfare...Damn. You could put thousands of people to work just ivestigating welfare fraud. Oh yeah, thats right the ACLU supports corruption within the welfare system saying we shouldn't pick on the needy. Well we shouldn't pick on those who can not help themselves due to sickness etc. However being poor should be no excuse to try some self improvement. Still programs need to exist to improve the life of all classes that are willing to better themselves. This should be debated. In fact all federal and local governments systems need to be upgraded and reworked for efficiency. The only thing this movement needs is for the leaders of this country(DC, Wallstreet, Businesses) to listen to its people and start taking a proactive approach in providing solutions. I see some are willing but quit stalling for your own benefit. We didn't elect you to be lazy fat cats party line bitches. We elected you to implement an effective progressive managenment style that is fair to everyone. We know states negotiate to create projects. We know your agency leaders show favoritsm and its high time the good ole boy network shit stopped. The government supports business projects based on party line agenda... Screw that we know the system and we know lobbyist lobby for projects to bring in the most money for their states. Still, who gives a crap a couple of solar companies went tits up. Let's move on. Try nuclear., try infrastructure, try picking up the damn speed. Sorry this post is open for movement, discussion and direction.



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