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Forum Post: Welcome to a culture of greed.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 6, 2011, 2:13 a.m. EST by classicliberal (312)
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Sixth item down. The elites bought more Dems than Repubs. Forget the parties... Demand freedom at any cost.



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[-] 2 points by littleg (452) 13 years ago

There is no doubt that Democrat president like Clinton and Obama are guilty of spreading this inequality today.

[-] 2 points by SamuelAdams (119) 13 years ago

Agreed. Two party system is ruining us and people keep going for it every time. There are other candidates out there, you have to actually look for them though. The ones you see on TV are bought and paid, get with the times. Giant Douche or Turd Sandwich?

[-] 1 points by Gawabian (3) 13 years ago

So many people are trained to be negative, they have lost site and are out of touch with thier spirit and believe whatever the masters want them to believe. Just for once believe that yopu are worthy of being free and that you deserve financial security and happiness just as much as any self serving greedy billionaire, sometimes it is right to fight for freedom because there are those that would enslave us all.

[-] 2 points by Uguysarenuts (270) 13 years ago

Why are billionaires by default greedy?

[-] 1 points by drfeelrotten (18) 13 years ago

...and what is the REAL viable alternative right now? Nothing. You may say libertarians, but they're mere rube wannabe's, people who are 'socially conscious' greedy bastards in bed with the system. The rubes ARE the system and the Democrats are the system as well so we have to work within the system to change it. The system won't change with mere protest and slogans. That's been tried time and time again to no avail. You might say the Greens. The Greens get roughly zero percent of the vote so in the long run sadly money is needed in our system for the time being and without working within the system the system never changes. It's a bit like not buying a lottery ticket then waiting, protesting with slogans against all hope on the drawing date you win the big payout. The FACT is big money will keep your voice from being heard until viable progressive candidates WITH money are fielded to even be able to work within the system. Bernie Sanders is possibly the only member of the senate who most progressives back, but where are the others? Who is going to step up to the plate and 'put their money where their mouth is' to challenge the established system to change it from within because the system damned sure isn't about to change from the outside in. It HAS to change from the inside out.

[-] 1 points by ZinnReader (92) from Encinitas, CA 13 years ago

That's correct. The writing was on the wall when he decided to turn down public financing and go with private funding.

Jun 19, 2008
WASHINGTON (AFP) — Democrat Barack Obama Thursday rejected public financing for his presidential campaign, freeing him up to deploy unlimited cash from his army of private donors against Republican John McCain.

McCain accused Obama of breaking his pledge to preserve the public financing system, which was instituted in 1976 to control spending by White House candidates after the Watergate scandal that felled president Richard Nixon.

But the Democratic senator said the system was "broken" and the stakes were too high to allow unrestrained spending by the Republican Party and right-wing groups on behalf of McCain.

"We've made the decision not to participate in the public financing system for the general election," Obama said in a video message to his supporters, becoming the first White House runner since Watergate to shun the system.

The Democrat had pledged last year to work "aggressively" with the Republicans on a deal to keep public financing, under which candidates limit their spending in return for matching funds from the federal Treasury.
