Forum Post: Website Proposal: Answers to common criticisms
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 18, 2011, 9:41 p.m. EST by FrequentC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Problem: I'm getting tired of arguing the same stuff over and over with detractors.
Proposal: A new website that lists the common conservative criticisms and addresses them.
My Ruff Explanation: The term "1%" is a figurative generalization for the top income earners that have corrupted society. Russell Simmons like many of us have "been asleep" for a while but many of us, including Mr. Simmons have "woken up" and no longer sit ideally by allowing the powers that be to further corrupt the system. Russell Simmons has even gone so far as to draft a constitutional amendment in an effort to solve the long overdue issue of campaign financing:
What (i think) we need to get this going: A simple online solution that allows people to submit common arguments. As well as a way for people to submit a response to these common arguments. Responses should have a voting system and the response with the most votes get pushed to the top of ALL the responses for easy viewing.
Whadda' Ya' Guys think? Anyone up for building this site?
This is awesome do it.
Good luck. You'll find people even on "your side" who argue various points. Unfortunately, the approach around here is to characterize anyone who doesn't agree with whatever the author says as being a "troll."
And, using your example specifically, you'll find many on "your side" who don't agree with your assessment of Russell Simmons, not because they're "trolls" but for substantive reasons like the fact that he makes $100 million running a debit card business that targets low income and minority groups.