Forum Post: Weapon
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 3:06 p.m. EST by lol0ped
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What you will do when someone from police will shot you? Have you any weapon?
You will die a martyr, because OWS is a non violent movement for change, (dont worry there are a bunch of virgins waiting for you if you do die like that) although I do not advocate change, I advocate learning how the banking and monetary system works so I can use it to benefit myself so that I may in turn benefit society and the earth.
What if the virgins waiting for me are a bunch of sex-starved old nuns who've been waiting to have "it" for all eternity??? Can the truly dedicated and disinterested martyr choose - if need be - to opt out of the "bunch of virgins" business...?
When the police shoot us, we'll bleed I suppose. I don't need a weapon to win this argument.
It's brave, but usefull?
It's more useful to put our group to action: This thursday, 10.13.11 close your BofA account - stand in line by the hundreds and ask why they puppet our government around?
Henry Ford once said " It is well enough that the people of this nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning"... Well Henry, tomorrow morning has arrived Because the American people now know how the banking and monetary systems work in this country and I am one of them. I know where the wealth of the American people is hidden!