Forum Post: Wealthy business owners should follow suit
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 5:08 p.m. EST by Cherianne
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Please follow suit of a business owner in North Carolina who was tired of paying taxes for everything under the sun.
The next new tax on his business, that HE worked endless hours and sacrificed to create while his friends were running around in cars they couldn't afford, living in houses they couldn't afford as hewas shopping at Goodwill...the next new tax on his business he is going to let go his highly paid employees,, denounce his citizenship and move the the Carribean.
Can't blame him...idiots out their with their faces painted up, sleeping in the streets for something they don't even understand...who's going to pay for your sorry butts once the real job creators give it up and leave?