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Forum Post: Wealth Dollars vs. Economic Dollars

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 8:15 p.m. EST by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC
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       Wealth Dollars vs. Economic Dollars …

Economic Dollars rob our children of Equality & Opportunity …
    Economic Dollars rob our Society of Creativity …
       Economic Dollars rob our People of Life …

      We will continue to right the wrongs …
                 One by One …
            Until the entire World …
   Has provided equal Opportunity and Freedom …
                   for All …

We will build a true democracy founded on the dreams 
         of all mankind & all ideologies...
                We are the 99%


A true Democracy is built from the desires & goals of all people & all ideologies… We need to look at what everyone wants…. If some rich guy’s only goal is obtain never-ending wealth… Who cares that he wants to waste his life… We should allow that… as long as he’s not harming others…

If someone wants to spend their entire life learning to be the greatest dancer, or artist… or researcher…etc… We should support that…. The simple answers.. lay in understanding the dreams of Opportunity & Freedom …

Individual Freedom & Economic Opportunity … Economic Freedom & Individual Opportunity …

these are the extremes... together they cover the goals of all ideologies… From a legislative view …we simply need to put them & keep them in balance …. and that’s the easy part …

From a practical view … we need to provide the resources necessary for the goals to prosper… Well… we could wrestle all the money from the greedy and use that… not that easy…

We could legislate more pay for shorter work weeks, and share the jobs… or better yet… We can organize to only work for “100% employee owned concerns” and share the wealth… which is a great idea… yet again, not that easy… We will still have huge competition with world-wide lower pay scales…

or, we can expand what is considered wealth….

Economic based Dollars is extracting wealth from All societies ...

Up to this point in time… most everything evolves around “economic wealth”…. To the point that the wealthy could care less about any accomplishment in life… all they see is increasing their piece of the pie… what a pitiful existence….

We could teach them that there is more to life…. again, not that easy…. and why waste the time…if they haven’t found it yet they likely never well….

A simpler answer… Let’s side step their power… Let’s reduce their power… Let’s look at what is considered wealth….

We have an opportunity to expand wealth beyond mere economic realm, Is Art not a wealth? Is Knowledge not wealth? Is Health not wealth?.. etc.

Why do we need to evaluate these non-economic Wealth’s to economic realm ? Seriously, Economic Wealth is merely economic… the buying, selling, trading of crap….

Designed to turn into trash once paid for... Designed to fill our Seas with Garbage... Can we not do better than this? ...

Our concept of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) does not measure health, happiness, education, or civic participation.* Greed, Stupidity & Apathy is infestered throughout our whole system...

Where is Gross Domestic Wealth (GDW) ?... We need an advancement... We need new additional currency...

Can we not create an additional currency ? …. We put Man on the moon.. We can do anything we wish... We could wipe out war & poverty overnight... If we simply cared...

How about a "Wealth Currency” or "Wealth Dollars” … that should be way more valuable than just buying & selling garbage…

We could legislate this within our current system… ie. so many dollars towards the promotion of Art. Health, Education… Seems like that’s been tried before…. How about simply printing new “Wealth Dollars” as an addition to our current “Economic Dollars”…. Believe or not people will use it and support it… We need to do something… Jobs will continue to disappear as technology & time advances…. We need to expand opportunity… We need to expand resources... We need to expand Wealth...

If we as Artists or Health providers, Doctors, Fitness Trainers… Teachers… anything that uplifts mankind in something more than simple “buying power”… decide to trade in “Wealth Dollars”... it will eventually work… Businesses will promote the acceptance of the exchange… for promotional reasons if for nothing else… And we would have expanded wealth…

We will create an enviornment where the greedy & entitled can keep their Economic Dollars which they have abused so badly...

And We whom they have left to the cold will have something to work with...

this is not the only answer… but it is one that will help… If we are going to eradicate poverty we need anything and everything that helps… there is no single answer…




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