Forum Post: We the People: Purchasing Power = Political Power
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 3:41 p.m. EST by frognoows
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Strategy: Focus on few companies. Goals: 1) increase sls of comp that is keeping jobs in America; 2) decrease sls of comp that "buys" politicians. Use ongoing peaceful and legal demonstrations at their place of biz. Results will build OWS cred. More:
Unfortunately I talked about this with my parents and they will NOT do it...rofl.
It's sad really how the average American works.
Buy New Balance Shoes. Don't buy Exxon Mobil gas. Pass this along.
I suspect that the entire global economy would turn upside down if we did not buy anything with our credit cards. Kill the credit card and it will solve many problems. How about a monthly 24 hour boycott of use of credit cards?
Buy New Balance Shoes. Don't buy Exxon Mobil gas. Pass this along.
Costco, America's largest wholesaler, said Wednesday it plans to raise its annual membership fees by 10 percent -- a move that will affect some 22 million members.
Buy New Balance Shoes. Don't buy Exxon Mobil gas. Pass this along.
Good post, could be a good non violent strategy. Maybe Walmart should be first target?
Buy New Balance shoes. Don't buy Exxon Mobil gas.
Stop Buying crap...Fold your money= fold the companies!
Agree. Wish millions of Americans would really "get" that reducing the sales of Exxon Mobil would curtail their ability to buy elections and politicians