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Forum Post: We the People: Our Purchasing Power = Our Politcal Power

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 12:41 p.m. EST by frognoows (5)
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60s student actitivist+success biz career+indi voter=advice 4 OWS. Good 4 U! Principle: Purchasing power = political power. Strategy: Focus on few companies. Short term goals: 1) increase sales of one company that is trying to keep jobs in America; 2) decrease sales of one company that "buys" politicians. Use ongoing peaceful and legal demonstrations at their places of business. Success at both will greatly increase credibility and influence of OWS. Long term goals: OWS=OWashington summer 2012. Focus: Campaign finance reform, because this is root cause of corporate and political evils. More info on short term:





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