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Forum Post: We the People of the World

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 20, 2011, 10:37 a.m. EST by LexRex (0) from Topeka, KS
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I am not sure how this may contribute; but after watching all of you and listening, You (everyone who is speaking throughout the world for the betterment of the life of all and of this earth) inspired these words:


To the sounds of Revolution we awaken,/ No longer the People slumber – the media mistaken./ Words ring out with each bludgeon blow/ Yet on, arm in arm we go –/ Too long have we slept for each now awaken chained to debt:/ Our debt and your debt!/ And so/ We the People of the World unite:/ To bring an end to this corruption,/ To bring an end to this tyrannical fabrication,/ To bring an end to this giant corporation,/ To bring an end to this nationalized and globalized rapacious obsession,/ And/ To take care of/ Our Brothers and Our Sisters,/ Our Mothers and Our Fathers,/ Our Sons and Our Daughters./



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