Forum Post: WE The People, need to be extremely vigilant, we must keep an eye on what is going on in D.C., in addition to what we are already doing--keeping an eye on Wall Street.
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 4, 2011, 2:51 p.m. EST by Windsofchange
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
This is not a rant, but a warning. I strongly urge the good people who support this movement to continue to keep an eye on Wall Street and their dirty deals, but also please don't neglect to keep an eye on our politicians in D.C.
One thing I am currently alarmed about is the disenfranchisement of student and minority voters. The Republicans are going out of their way to make it difficult for them to vote (by strict I.D. requirements). Of course, the grand plan is to have the Democrats lose so many votes that the next president will be a Republican. This is downright dispicable and I can't believe that they got as far as they did with this.
This is practically a throw back to Jim Crow laws. OWS, we need to speak out against this. I am an Independent who can't believe the freedoms that is being taking away from us right before our very eyes. Please, please we must address this in some way. We can't let this go on. We must make our voice heard about this.
Folks, keep posting things on this forum that keeps the awareness going. Watch C-span, go to the websites of the Senate and the H.O.R. and see what they are up to, share articles and videos from reliable sources about what is going on in D.C. and of course Wall Street. I know that this is already being done, but please more than ever remain vigilant. W.S. and D.C. have relied on the complacency and ignorance of the American people in the past.. WE can't afford to be this way. Please, stay in the know and share with others.
Stevo, take you nasty attitude and go elsewhere. Either read the article I included here or other articles on the subject matter.
I am against draconian state laws that says that they are trying to weed out voter fraud (which needs to be done) but really have the agenda of disenfranchising the democratic voter makeup of students and minorities. This is happening in some of the Red States and should be addressed .
I am an Independent, who is tired of the two-party system, but I am against something like this going on. IN this day and age it is absolutely deplorable. Oh, and btw--LEARN TO READ!!!
I hear what you are saying, but I am a legal immigrant from Mexico and a naturalized citizen. So I got no problem with requiring ID to vote. I worked for mine. You gotta worry if every person just visiting this country for a month, or a tourist or somebody just temporarily to study, or somebody not from the US can vote in our elections. That is not their right, they have their own country to vote in. And it is very easy to become a legal immigrant so you can vote.
I understand your point of view. While I do believe in proper I.D. presented for those who want to vote, I am against any state laws that is deliberately making it difficult for groups of people to vote (the true agenda is to disenfranchise them.)
Yes, we must put an end to voter fraud--that is understood. I just don't want to see anyone who is eligible to vote have their voter rights taking away by draconian state laws that put a major obstacle in their way. That is my concern.
Are you dumb you queer? Down here in Alabama we don't want them blacks to be a votin now do we boys?
Seriously, get off the race crap. God forbid we require people to be real citizens and show id to vote. A photo id will throw all the minorities right out the window right? LOL
That first part of my post, in case you weren't aware, was sarcasm. I figured it was obvious...
This involves students too who are of all races.
Sorry for the insult, but I am dead serious about his topic and am intolerant of such remarks like the one you previously left. You don't have to agree with what I am talking about, but please keep it civil.
agree! so we agree that voter ID is a good thing and important. But that the things that some states are looking for like re-district are probably meant to disenfranchise and should be watched.
Yes. We can't let something like that happen to any American. The trolls are coming out of the woodwork and attacking me on this. No surprises there.
I am against career politicians who are easily corrupted through their campaigns being funded by the corporations and w.s. and by all the lobbyist in D.C. I am not sure about a system that randomly picks candidates. I think it is a right of every voter to vote for those candidates they believe can get the job done. Any other system can be easily tampered with. We can't afford for that to happen.
The ONLY way to truly get the money out of politics is to dump election in favor of sortition.
There is enough blame to go around. Money needs to be taking out of politics to end all corruption. Also, it would be great to end the Fed. No more b.s corporate bailouts--no more corporate welfare. Let these corporations sink or swim (the market will correct itself in the end) and let them pay their fair share of taxes. If we could accomplish this it would be a good start.
The 1% like obama since he laid the entire US treasury at their feet as a bail out.
They have a million sneaky tricks, and they will never quit, so we have to forcefully depose them wrote "The Republicans are going out of their way to make it difficult for them (student and minority voters) to vote"..
What the fuck are you talking about asshole. What kind of statement is that. Are we keeping the voting thing a "secret" from them? Or maybe it's the dogs and fire hoses on election we use..... "get outta here minority boy No votin for you today".
Quit spreading bullshit here. You're fucked up.