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Forum Post: we the people - fix the system - stop bringing personal projects!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 1:19 p.m. EST by reice0116 (17)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

so many personal agendas and anger. So much hating of the rich and call outs to name those in the corporate world that we want to crucify. So much that will destroy this movement. Stop it.

I was asked what 'we the people' should do to fix the problem. Here is my response:

we fix it by demanding the public servants to stop allowing heavy influence through money and get back to being for the people. We promise to stay our votes for candidates, even if we agree with them, until there isn't obvious multi-million dollar influences and outside spending. We the people stand on the streets as we have done many times before and demand honest discussion and the prohibition of manipulative and dishonest marketing for the purposes of controlling elections. That is how we the people fix things.



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