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Forum Post: We the People and Finding our voice!!!!

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 29, 2011, 10:31 a.m. EST by maverickpch (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

We the People are not one percent of the nation. Yet the 99 percent cannot become one voice until it is given direction and solutions. There is a movement that has started called occupy “whatever”. Yet it has no voice of solutions. We must as a people come together and speak of solutions and plans. Not beggars of the me generation expecting everything to be handed to them with no responsibility.
Facts and Questions: I. Our government says that our social security and Medicare are failing. Our government decided to borrow against the trillions of dollars we had as our retirement fund with no plan to repay the well. Yet our government does not speak of or accepting responsibility for the fact that it is the reason it is failing. a. Do we hold them accountable and make them put the 99% first or do we let them continue to milk the majority for the few? For none of our government leaders depend on Social Security or Medicare for retirement they wrote a separate bill that provides them full retirement and medical after serving in office for even the shortest of terms. Yet again, building the up the one percent while walking over the majority. b. Do we the majority continue to yell and rant and rave like children demanding to be taken care of? For protesting with no solution or answers is no more than laying on the floor in a tantrum like a two year old. c. Should the politicians who make our rules be forced to live by them same retirement structure as the majority of our populous? II. We spend trillions of dollars to support and liberate people in countries which are rich with resources that could refill our coffers in repayment of resources such as oil. In the history of the world a conquering army is paid for through the spoils of the war. So the question is: a. Do we negotiate repayment of our resources spent to free the nations through such resources? b. Do we let them go on free charging us high rates for their resources that we freely just gave back to them after losing American lives and trillions of dollars to free them? i. A fact is that a Kuwaiti National is given a minimum of 50K dollars per year to live just because they are a citizen of Kuwait. Do the families of our dead soldiers who freed them get such benefits? These are two critical areas of thought that we as a country need to take a good long look at, but this is just the tip of the iceberg for We the People must establish an intelligent path of solutions to get us through our problems as individuals, families, neighborhoods, and finally the MAJORITY!!! Please respond with your thoughts and input.



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[-] 1 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 13 years ago

Speaking of directions, solutions, and plans, there is a plan to hold a National General Assembly in Philadelphia July 4th 2012. The problem is 'what does OWS do now?' Now that OWS has exercised it's 1st Amendment right to peaceably assemble, exercising its 1st Amendment right to petition the government for a redress of grievances is the logical answer to the question of what to do now. Here's the directions to the Declaration:


[-] 0 points by JeffersonNotMao (3) 13 years ago

Who are you people the spawn of HItler, Lennin, Stalin and Hitler ???

You morons do know that nearly everything you ask for was part of of EVERY dictatorship of the 20th century don't you ???

Oh you don't because regaurdless of you're level of education when it comes to history, political sci and economics, you are illitaterate gutter rats who do not understand that you are no differnet from the fascist and communist masses who helped men like Hitler and Stalin take power !!!

You also seen to miss the fact that the utopia you seek already exists in places like Ven. No Kor. and Cuba !

[-] 1 points by Cocreator (306) 13 years ago

takes one to know one

[-] 1 points by ARod1993 (2420) 13 years ago

His post may be incoherent and a bit difficult to comprehend, but so far all he seems to be advocating is that Congress not get full pension and retirement benefits after just one term in office and that they should have to use the same retirement and health insurance as the rest of the nation (private or nothing before 65, Social Security and Medicare afterward) so that they're no longer in a magic bubble where they can cut and cut and cut and not pay the price along with the rest of us. That to me is fair. As far as screwing with Iraq's or Kuwait's oil reserves, I'm not particularly comfortable with it because those are actually their reserves, and we intervened for our own geopolitical reasons (not as mercenaries to be paid in oil).

[-] 1 points by Edgewaters (912) 13 years ago

You morons do know that nearly everything you ask for was part of of EVERY dictatorship of the 20th century don't you ???

Social Security didn't turn the US into a Stalinist dictatorship, and it wasn't brought in by Nazis, but by FDR.

You're a crank.

[-] 1 points by Cocreator (306) 13 years ago

Surrender Now, tell us what you know and we'll go easy on you.