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Forum Post: We Still Need 5 Gallon Buckets For Toilets

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 9:59 p.m. EST by Slam1263 (196)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

And TP, baby wipes for field bath, several people were complaining about stomache issues, so add Imodium to the mix.

If this turns into dysentary, we will never live it down.

People clean your temples (BODIES, I am telling you to wash your selves).



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[-] 2 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

Don't believe ANYTHING this guy says!!!! He is quite the character. Check with the organizers first.

[-] 1 points by Slam1263 (196) 13 years ago

I asked you if you wanted to help, you said no.

I am asking others now.

If you don't think that there is a need for basic sanitation, fine. You not believeing in a problem doesn't mean that the problem doesn't exist.

The "organizers" should have had portable toilets and showers on Day 1. They don't care. I do.

[-] 1 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

I AM helping, but DEFINITELY NOT through someone like you !!!

Just yesterday afternoon you posted this: "5 hours, and no response. Show us the money!! 5 hours, and no response. Show us the money!! 5 hours, and no response. Show us the money!! 5 hours, and no response. Show us the money!! 5 hours, and no response. Show us the money!! 5 hours, and no response. Show us the money!!"

And I commented: "WHAT are you screaming about? Would you mind calming down for a few minutes and explaining yourself in complete sentences? If you can't be a little more rational, I'm afraid your credibility will be nil and people will wonder if you are simply trying to divide the movement by making baseless accusations and creating chaos."

And you promised to behave and stop posting: "Yes, I am not going to post anymore, because I have posted on several threads. Leadership stopped answering questions about accounting for where the donations are, and what they are being used for. No response in over 5 hours."

So yesterday you were obsessing on MONEY, today you're obsessing on TOILETS, what will you come up with tomorrow?

You are a SABOTEUR, trying to scare people away from donating and creating rumors of "dysentary" - you must know a great deal about it, if you can't even spell it right! -and poor hygiene to discourage people from joining the OWS. Once again, Slam, you've been unmasked!

[-] 1 points by Slam1263 (196) 13 years ago


There, proof.

I am asking that people place the donations into the hands of individual protester, because it appears that whomever started OWS is a front group based out of Central America.


Am I saying to leave the streets? NO, I am saying, for people such as yourself, that the people on the street should own their own cause.

This was co-opted from the start.

I have left my phone number, and email address in several forums.

I have received death threat from all kinds of people.

Yeah, that's me trying to sabotage the cause. I am a middle aged activist that is trying to help. I have spent more time on the lines than some of you have existed. Does that mean I know all? NO, but I am still trying to help.

Yeah, fuck me for mispelling a word you twit.

[-] 1 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

Let me get this straight: You are, in your own words, "a middle-aged activist who is trying to help", and you sympathize with the protesters, are trying to provide toilets, etc.

And yet, you claim that "it appears that whomever started OWS is a front group based out of Central America."

So why are you trying to help such a "shadowy" movement??? Are you aware of the complete contradiction here? Forget the spelling - by the way, there's no need to insult me or yourself - you aren't even able to follow the logic of your own lies.