Forum Post: We Stand United
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 6 p.m. EST by IlVoce
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Two months ago, when I had first heard of the occupy wall street rallies, I brushed them off. I thought, like many others throughout the country that these protests were transitory, quick, fading. A fad. I forgot about them. Several days after the protests started, I was walking through union square where two guys were handing out fliers and trying to get support. I walked right past them, thinking they were crazy hipsters on a fading fad (and to speak some in my defense, they were some crazy looking hipsters). When it started to get cold outside, I thought that this would be the end; that these crazy hipsters did not have to conviction to stand their ground. I was wrong. In fact, things have only gotten stronger. Not mace nor mother nature can stem the overwhelming flood of conviction in the minds gathered in Downtown Manhattan. I can’t ignore these people any longer. I will have my voice heard. I will not let the stream of history slip me by.
I am troubled by some of the issues that Occupy Wall Street is facing. We need a message, my friends, and we need to be united behind that message. We need something concise and pointed. We need a message that will speak not only to our hearts, but to the hearts of all Americans.
We divide ourselves between the right and the left; we are splintering our country. We have a massive ideological rift that I see only growing larger as time goes on. We cannot be divided. We are one nation. We must be UNITED.
To that end, we need a message that does not further divide us. We need a message that will resonate with every individual, regardless of gender, race, age, or economic status. We are the 98% of America, democrat or republican.
And we 98 are furious.
And we are united, all of us, in fury.
There are many complaints right now in our country, and many voiced through the Occupy Wall Street protests. And many of them are excellent points. There are hundreds of things that need to be changed in this country. But a thousand voices yelling turns into a din where no voice is discernable. We must take things one at a time. One voice, one message.
We watch as our money is thrown away, to companies, to the government, to the undeserving. These are organizations that tower above us and we are forced to live in their shadow. That is not right. These are entities that are in service to the people, and we must demand that they be held accountable for their actions.
We are in the thousands now, across America. Our voice echoes from Amber waves of grain to purple mountains majesty, we are energized. We the people are having our voices heard.
Our message will not divide us along party lines. It will unite us. We will come together, and we will be strong. We are all the people of this country. We must set aside the issues the divide us and focus on the issues that will unite us.
So where will be united, right and left, rich and poor, radical and moderate?
We must hold those who have made the country as it stands now, whether it be in company CEOs who took their employees money and then gave themselves millions of dollars in bonuses, to the government who gave away tax payer money to these companies without any oversight. They all must be held accountable.
Let their mistakes be shown to everyone.
‘ We elect congress to be the voice of the people. Congress is not our voice. It is the voice of two parties squabbling. We need action. We need to see change. To Congress, I openly say, “Do your jobs.” Investigate the claims against the companies; investigate why they are taking bonuses. Show the American people that you care. Hold those people accountable for their actions.
Let our one voice be this; “You Will Pay.”
This is an epithet not issued to a party or a company. This is an epithet issued to all who stand with souls stained with the taint of corruption. Who would hide behind their money or their power. None of those will save you in the face of these million voices.
Let us see where the stain lies before we move forward. We need not dirty ourselves again.
We are strong. We are America. We will speak with a single voice. Join with us, all Americans, This is not to divide. This is to UNITE.
We Will be United
We Will not Stop
God Bless You.
God Bless America.
-The Voice.