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Forum Post: We should not call for a "shutdown" without concrete goals

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 20, 2011, 1:59 a.m. EST by AndrewK47 (26)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

This is my opinion. If we do not have specific goals we are attempting to accomplish, civil disobedience is pointless. there is nothing wrong with taking a stand for what you believe in. Even if you disagree with me I would put my freedom on the line to protect your right to express your beliefs. 100%



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[-] 1 points by RedJazz43 (2757) 13 years ago

I'm not sure what you are referring to but sometimes a shutdown of something is in and of itself the specific goal. That is, the goal is to shut something down, not anything other than that.

[-] 0 points by MASCEL (40) 13 years ago

Im referring to the shut down of the west coast ports

[-] 0 points by RedJazz43 (2757) 13 years ago

Well in this instance I believe it has to do with solidarity with a dispute at one of the ports. The ILWU sometimes does engage in coastwise solidarity walk outs, though it's not clear to me what its position is in this instance. It's not clear to me whether Occupy is basically tailing the ILWU in a solidarity move or its pushing the ILWU toward a coastwise walkout that it might not otherwise engage in.

[-] -2 points by MASCEL (40) 13 years ago

We do need a leader it is time, your right we cant be asking people to solidarity with us and not have a leader. But whose says what I just wrote is right. This is not a remaking of history its the first that I have seen with out a leader. So will just watch and solidarity to see this movement through till something happens.

[-] 0 points by RedJazz43 (2757) 13 years ago

Look in mirror. As the old Wobbly slogan goes. We are all leaders. Take responsibility for your own actions and don't expect a movement to do anything that only an organization can do. A movement is not an organization and cannot reasonably be expected to act or respond in the same way an organization might. The ILWU is an organization Occupy Oakland ain't.

[-] 1 points by rosewood (543) 13 years ago

OWS put out a list of demands, and if you're not sure what OWS wants; I assure you the 1% do.

[-] 0 points by ciavlad (85) 13 years ago

Have you seen the movie DALLAS ?! Do you want to get rid of cunning people (J.R.)!? Vote petition on the Internet : http://wh.gov/jkl

[-] 0 points by nopercentofOWS (6) 13 years ago

Misfits and Whiners - that is what I see. Grow up for christ's sake. Your drumming - it does NOTHING except please the protesters and annoy the rest of us. Do you really think global financial people give two S**ts about your drums, your vegan food, your stilts, your hats, and your recycled slogans? Ever more importantly, do you think the CROOKS in the financial sector care? And finally, don't you think your turnouts would be just a wee bit higher if you TRULY represented the 99%? You clowns do not represent me, or anyone I know. Grow up, take a bath, get a skill, start an EMPLOYMENT movement - try to accomplish something - the smelly hippie days ended in the early 70s. This is not Vietnam. YOU are the change you are looking for - go be leaders - innovators, marketers. If you have something worth buying, it will sell. Want to end capitalism? Then form your utopian system and lead by example. Quit waiting for the Great Pumpkin - he really does not exist.

[-] 0 points by Joyce (375) 13 years ago


[-] 0 points by AndrewK47 (26) 13 years ago

Unanimous consensus? Well, if the people know what they want..

[-] -1 points by puppetsofsorros (70) 13 years ago

Indeed, taking a stand is noble, but you need consider WHO you talke that stand with. There are no concrete goals, as there are no public leaders. That's what anarchy and revolution for no better reason than revolution is all about.

[-] -1 points by MASCEL (40) 13 years ago

Nope shut it down, They will know we are not messing around with their politics no more. Our goals will come, right now our goal is to let them know that we out number them and we will win., Now they will play by our rules or there will be a revolution. I know the 1% are not going to reform so I see a civil war in 12 years