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Forum Post: We should all go caroling on Christmas eve at the homes of our Politicians.

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 19, 2011, 7:37 p.m. EST by Southern99er (12)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I mean, all night long, hundreds of people spreading Christmas Joy through song all night long. Are the politicians going to have people arested from their homes for caroling and risk being called anti-Chirstmas? It would destroy their reputation. How could one oppose "O'Holy Night" being sung at 1am? This would really piss them off.



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[-] 1 points by JPB950 (2254) 13 years ago

Interesting idea, I wonder though how many politicians live in homes you could actually get close to. Mine lives in a gated community. I suppose some of the reps. from big cities live in exclusive buildings. Be a shame if the only ones you could get close to were also close to our own philosophy.

[-] 0 points by NewEnglandPatriot (916) from Dartmouth, MA 13 years ago

Gated community. Sounds like a good voice for the constituents. NOT. Time for Campaign finance reform. Get real people in there to represent the real people. No more upper echelon, cream of crop "or crap". Then we can get the real work done.

[-] 1 points by JPB950 (2254) 13 years ago

That's a big part of the problem, only people with money are running for congress.

[-] 0 points by NewEnglandPatriot (916) from Dartmouth, MA 13 years ago

We need finance reform, and minorities(I mean the little guys) with skills in higher places. This will never happen though, they have the upper hand and will for time to come. The plantation owners lobbied to keep slavery going. They took over with a different approach. Now its not racial, they own all of us, the rest has been for distraction. Problem-reaction solution