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Forum Post: We Reject The Status Quo!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 12:30 p.m. EST by stevesanterre (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

We the People of the planet of Earth are uniting in social and political movements aimed at improving the condition of life for all human beings. Freedom does not have borders. You cannot put up a wall around it! We are free in the State of Nature and we are also free when we come together to unite for a common cause.

The Occupy Wall Street protests as well as the offshoots of it that have sprung up all around the world are an expression of are dissatisfaction with the current global political and economic system. This spirit of dissent began in Northern Africa in late 2010 and it is alive more than ever now. They were fighting against autocratic dictators, we are fighting against crony capitalism and the immoral nature of Corporatism.

Humanity has had to suffer oppression by three entities in the last two millennia’s: Religion (the Roman Catholic Church/Papacy), the State (kings, emperors, presidents, etc), and Corporations (wealthy bankers). We are in the third phase at the moment but we must get ourselves out of it. We must evolve. We must reject the status quo which only imprisons and deceives us.

The Corporate media, that is, CNN, MSNBC, FOX NEWS, and co., have hijacked the political discourse ever since television news programming was seen as a useful way of disseminating information. They want us to live in fear and believe that ‘our’ system is the best invention humanity has ever conceived of! It is not, and we can do much better.

We must say NO to this Corporate-controlled ideology which pervades into many aspects of our daily lives. WE THE PEOPLE must seize control! The highest stage of human achievement can only become realized when the People have power! Religion, the State, and Corporations all have a vertical power structure, a top-down approach. When the People have power, there will be no leader at first, but it will be the General Assemblies of People who make decisions. Power will be distributed horizontally, and only in such a form of government can we all truly be equal in dignity.

The Revolution has begun.

@stevesanterre https://stevesanterre.wordpress.com/



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