Forum Post: We Occupy Because....
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 9, 2011, 8:48 a.m. EST by RobertSrote
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
We were duped by big banks, We were screwed by our government, Corporations were too big to fail, Lower & Middle-class wasn't, We are fed up w/ corruption, Greed is killing America,
Check out my book for more reasons why we occupy America. Wildfire:The Legislation that Ignited the Great Recession.
Nice. Very capitalistic trying to make a buck here selling your book. Hoping to become one of the 1% ?
I have not made a penny from the book. Each quarter I select a charity and donate ALL royalties directly to them. This quarter ALL royalties benefit A charity with a 90%+ giveback rate benefiting families of fallen serviceman. I do, however, thank you for your concern.
So you are saying we are occupying because we are mad?
The real is question is what are we going to DO about it.
My book has a 12-step process to get America back on the right track and specifies in detail exactly what we are going to do about it. Thank you for your reply.
I can fix the problem in one step
me too.
That's why we ask you to join us as we go against Credit Card Companies Please join us for Balance Transfer Day December 11 2011
Thank you for your response.
What the real issue is, for mine......if you can believe the spin, that is.
The safety and democracy of nations like Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Pakistan, Sudan, are all waaaaaay more important than the safety and democracy of America.
I believe we should look after America FIRST. All other nations should be left to deal with their own problems. May be a simplistic way of looking at the world, but we would not be in the position we are in now if we put America first. Thanks for the reply.
I agree.
My heart goes out to places of poverty and unrest. But we tend to forget that we have homeless and working poor in this country. You can't look after others if you can't take care of yourself.
We never have a right to go into a country without being asked by their people (i.e. Iraq) and even then we must ask ourselves if we are just picking sides or really needed. For example, we HAD to fight Germany in WW2 because they were massive slaughtering and attacking other countries. Do we have a right to 'choose sides' in someone else's civil war? That is like if your neighbors are having a divorce argument and you forcibly interject. Unless one is physically harming the other you would stay out of it. The U.S. should stay out of others business too.
Have you read Wildfire? It was ahead of its time, calling out the players before OWS began their campaign. May have had something to do with the start of the initial protests.
Very true. We fight now for oil, not for human rights.
please elaborate, i don't understand your point.
In other words, get our military out of the approximately 140 countries we currently occupy. We are not the World's babysitter.
extremely good point!
Thank you. Check out the book if you can and pass along to a friend after reading.
What is to understand?
Several years of "nation-building" in Iraq has amounted to what gain for Americans? Same for Afghanistan.
What benefit is there for Americans on the ground there, or in America?
Libya? What's in it for the average American? Better gas prices?
Or better profits for the few at the top of the tree?
The Trickle Down effect is marketting only. A fallacy.
i agree with you 100%. sorry for not understanding
No probs my friend.
Happy to help.
Awwww... did those big mean banks make you borrow more money than you could afford?
Duped my ass.
No. But they did make billions when they bet against those that did. Then took my money in the form of a bailout. If you pay taxes, you were duped as well. Thank you for your reply.
No our govt took our money,not the banks. Some banks were actually forced to take bailout money. OWS should be protesting the govt instead of Wall St. Wall St. is the symptom,the Federal govt is the disease.
You are partially correct. Unfortunately Wall Street and Government have become synonymous. The revolving door syndrome (outlined in the book) is a major problem.