Forum Post: We need to work together for a common cause PLEASE
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 8:54 a.m. EST by clintonsiebert
from Greensburg, IN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I have kept up with occupywallstreet sense the beginning and were getting way off base. In twitter people are complaining about why aren't there more blacks, why aren't women saying something, why are you letting the Muslim pray. This is about corporate greed and the politicians who support it and allow it. I don't care what color your skin is, I don't care what your sex is hell I don't care if your gay or straight, stick to the issues or we will definitely be defeated. Another thing I noticed on twitter it looks like we have 20000 people on 20000 different worlds it's like no one is paying attention to any tweet except there own, it should be like a chat room also some people keep repeating the same thing over and over hell there still tweeting "breaking news 700 people arrested on brooklin bridge" then you got @clandistine5 and @erik_oswald (who I think is a bot possibly by anonymous) that pop up about every 30 minutes saying the same thing. This is not going to work unless we all work together for the same cause. Also try to get more celebrities to endorse this they might be in the 1% as far as pay but there like us they pay taxes not like some corporations plus celebrities have lots of followers there word can carry far. I'm trying to get Bob and Tom from the Bob and Tom show to come out to the Indy rally they would put the Indianapolis rally on the map. So just in closing we need to work together instead of against each other. Thank You for letting me have my say. If anybody wants to comment to me my email address
All it takes for evil to prevail is for good men and women to do nothing
I love how everyone has an idea of what OWS 'should be' but seem to need to use old labels and ideas. Hopefully this won't happen. This movement is truly a grass roots effort so no one person, group or idea is 'in charge'. If you don't think enough of a certain demographic is represented, invite them in. Let this movement grow. Trying to define it in the old paradigm will only destroy it or co-opt it. And for the nay sayers, too bad you weren't there for the Revolutionary war or the Labor struggles of the early 20th Century or the civil rights struggle or anything that truly changed this country. Still trying to portray this as something it isn't just shows your limited vision of what true democracy is.
Our diversity is our unity.
We don't need to work together for a common cause. We can divide into multi-tasking work groups which can achieve much more quicker!