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Forum Post: We need to take OWS to higher level - A Permanent Movement for Real Change

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 25, 2011, 9:28 a.m. EST by abusalman (47)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Subject: We need to take OWS to higher level - A Permanent Movement for Real Change
OR Subject: We need office space, sponsors, books... etc ...to take it all to the next level, and move farther
Yeh it’s getting cold, and lets be real, very real ... Are we going to be outside all winter? We need to perpetuate this movement, and move it all to the next level. We need permanent outdoor space, permanent office space, donors, sponsors private and business and NGO and even – gasp – corporate. We need pamphlets, books of academic scholarly nature, coffee table books...etc... etc, and of course, we need continual web presence along with real outdoor presence. We need to Occupy permanent volunteer jobs that can rotate among volunteers, because some people of us have - yes oh yes, gasping for air yes- “jobs “and other responsibilities of family, school-college, professional and personal development, and so on. Do we want paid positions and an organization, and is it possible without getting co-opted and astro-turfed ??? Something to explore?
The idea is to take the ideas of protest about corporate greed, and about revolutionary change to right the wrong and even let’s call it evil, of immoral and unjust and corrupt laws and lobbying, and the systemic economic imbalances due to corporate influence on government... and Federal Reserve Money based in interest paid by the masses of Main Street to the monopoly of a few influential “too big to fail and jail” banks and large financial corporations, here on Wall Street or hidden in tax havens across the globe... in essence private banksters/gangsters who milk us all out of hard earned honest work based money... etc... by their interest(usury) based moneys. We need to move on to a higher level. The Arab Spring needs to become an American Fall .... the fall and collapse of corporate influence, of Wall street influence and of greed by debt structures of interest based financial instruments on Federal Reserve Fiat Money and currencies and bonds and derivatives, speculative short selling etc ...that exploit Main Street. We need to change the internal and external structures of exploitation, colonization and imperialism and systemic racism and class privileges of the super rich elite.
There are thousands even millions who are with Occupy Wall Street (symbol of Corporate financial greed) and Occupy K Street (in Washington DC symbol of corporate lobbying for special business interests of Wall Street against public interests of Main Street) and son across the globe in the system of capitalistic corporate collusion (Fascism by definition, or some call it crony capitalism, or let’s call is OUTRIGHT THEFT. The entire system needs to be changed.



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[-] 1 points by abusalman (47) 13 years ago

Now people are talking--after a COLD OWS Winter,about American Spring to match the so called Arab Spring but are people ready for the reaction like B. Assad of Syria to protect the local elitist agenda, and of course Russia and China and Iran etc have concerns about Syria, and thus "complexities" And as if there will not be "complexities" about the American Sٍpring if it is real, and the push back globalist corporates, banksters and the military industrial media complex contractors? As the Economic Hit Man John Perkins said, only when there is push back do you know that the message is getting out . [See his recent 2012 interview]

[-] 1 points by socceronly (102) 13 years ago

Skip the offices. Skip the sponsors. Fill the street, educate people. One revolutionary at a time. Not everyone needs to know everything, they can't. Some people focus on the environment, finance, political reform... we need all of it. It needs to be as open, decentralized and accessible as possible. Offices and sponsors will kill it dead.

[-] 1 points by 666isMONEY (348) 13 years ago

Problem is the wimpy "demands" and solutions being proposed are not radical enough to deal with global warming, 7-billion ppl on the planet, the funny-money games on Wall Street and peak oil. The only real solution is too abolish money but I don't see that happening.


Time to get outta Babylon before it falls. Life as we're living it is not sustainable.

[-] 1 points by socceronly (102) 13 years ago

The demands aren't wimpy. There is a difference between a wimpy demand and having the media window on which to explain something on a level that matters. There is no point in trying to convey demands in sound bites. It's impossible when actual understanding is required. Imagine trying to actually explain any of the things you mentioned above in one minute, if you are lucky. So take the things you are talking about above, get out and teach and learn. One person at a time if necessary.

[-] 1 points by 666isMONEY (348) 13 years ago

I've been teaching about eliminating money for 30-years. The only way real change will happen is if famous ppl get behind the idea.

[-] 1 points by abusalman (47) 13 years ago

But we do not want to be nihilist and anarchist, just quit and move to mountains (also soon to be totally polluted anyways by gas fracking and re-fracking, and so forth) and the sea island (soon to be undulated by rising sea) but we can at least try to educate and make some stands for noble causes, to expose the truth,... to offer solution .

[-] 1 points by 666isMONEY (348) 13 years ago

Let's start education for radical solutions. I don't see it happening, the lemmings/sheeple watch their football games and have faith in government & science to save them.

Signs of the times tell me it's time to flee. Reactions to eliminating money even here on this forum cause me to lose hope.

Direct democrazy with uneducated sheeple will not work, neither will abolishing corporate personhood. CIA killled JFK and the Gore/Bush selection was crashed in the Supreme Court.

[-] 2 points by abusalman (47) 13 years ago

That's we we need SO MUCH,,,

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

we need a public voting system where the will of the people can be heard

[-] 1 points by abusalman (47) 13 years ago

unfortunately many are totally brainwashed and co opted , but at least you realize that this system is bought by WS , whereas if they feel threatened ,,, well look and what the neocons did for the elections for Baby Bush in Florida and Ohio

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

9/11 is invoked and broadcast daily

American people refuse to examine the evidence that was filmed at the WTC to learn what really happened. Americans are too arrogant and too ignorant to admit they were misled and manipulated by their government and media propaganda whose claims are on the level of Santa coming down the chimney to leave presents under the tree. The Santa story grooms American children to accept complete nonsense later in their lives about 9/11 and other very important criminal acts by government officials.

There are no quotas in America for the number of lies told by American officials. There is a bottomless pit of lies and weird nonsense that Americans have no problem accepting. Obama just told another whopper when he claimed that all troops will be brought home from Iraq. The troops left in Iraq are called contractors. No media reporters are reporting the contractor story. Americans now call liars "flip-floppers".

The book written by NYT reporter Philip Shenon divulges incredible first hand accounts from senior officials including the Director of the FBI Tom Pickard who had a violent confrontation with his boss, the attorney general John Ashcroft on July 12, 2001 because Ashcroft refused to listen to any evidence that America would be attacked by Al Qaeda at the direction of Osama bin Laden.

The fact that Shenon and his editors for the NYT decided to hide this story by not publishing it in the NYT when Shenon learned about it directly from Tom Pickard in 2004, but published the story in 2008 in Shenon's book THE COMMISSION is the revelation that only SCREWED AGAIN has published for its world wide audience. http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/

[-] 1 points by socceronly (102) 13 years ago

This statement is not questioning 911 truth ect... However, why bother focusing on it when we have in front of us clear crimes of massive proportions with solid evidence with which to prosecute.

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

If the clear "crimes of massive proportions with solid evidence" what is 9/11?

[-] 1 points by abusalman (47) 13 years ago

Steve you hit the right buttons Yes indeed, there are many lies and coverups as you said. Just look at evidence about Building no 7, but as you say many are too arrogant and too ignorant Check this out on 911 coverup Here http://inlightofrecentevents.wordpress.com/911-truth-movement-and-evidence-for-controlled-demolitions/ and here http://terrorismbreedsterrorism.wordpress.com/911-inside-job/


Is there an ebook for Just Cause Just Facts Government Corruption Beyond Weird by Stephen A. Miller ???

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

I can send my attachment of the book if you send your email address to me.

The books are $4.75 to me and I'd like to make a few bucks for my 5 years work to write it. $4 to ship it and $10. I want the book read. That's my purpose for writing it.

[-] 1 points by abusalman (47) 13 years ago

opps ... close the last lines should read .... many across the globe who are with us against the system ....